transform! yearbook 2021

transform! 2021 looks at capitalism's impact on the world ecosystem and the concomitant economic crisis, with their effects on logistics and borders, the structure of work, healthcare systems, European integration, geopolitical power relations, and gender relations – but at the same time the breaches in neoliberal hegemony.

Ordering Information

Capitalism’s Deadly Threat
transform! yearbook 2021
Walter BaierEric CanepaHaris Golemis
Merlin Press
ISBN 978-0-85036-770-6

The publication can be ordered as hardcopy at Merlin Press and as eBook.


Table of Contents

Walter BaierEric CanepaHaris Golemis: Capitalism’s Deadly Threat

In Memoriam
Ingar Solty: The Global Left, Marxism, and Democratic Socialism: Remembering Leo Panitch (1945-2020)

Walter Baier: The State of the Union: On the Eve of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Capitalism’s Ecological Crisis and Radical Left Alternatives
John Bellamy Foster: The Planetary Rift
Interviewed by Haris Golemis
Birgit Mahnkopf: On the Political Economy of the Ecological Crisis
Teppo Eskelinen: Climate Change and Capitalist Development
Nadja Charaby and Katja Voigt: The UN Climate Summits: Not a Solution to the Climate Crisis – But it is Important to be There
David Adler and Pawel Wargan: The EU’s Green Deal and the Betrayal of a Generation: A Strategy to Fight Back
Kateřina Konečná: Sleepwalking from One Crisis to the Next
Oguz Turkyilmaz: Proposals for a Democratic Energy Programme in Turkey

Politics and Everyday Life Under the Pandemic
Maria Karamessini: The Covid-19 Crisis and Socio-Economic Disruption in Europe: Threats and Challenges for Labour
Adoración Guamán, Guillermo Murcia López, and José Miguel Sánchez Ocaña: The Coronavirus, Working People, and Precarity: Challenges for an Exit Based on Labour
Roland Kulke: A Left Perspective on the Economics of the Corona Crisis
Ursula Huws: Reaping the Whirlwind: Digitalisation, Restructuring, and Mobilisation in the Covid Crisis
Amelia Martinez-Lobo and Andrea Peniche: The Pandemic Crisis and Its Impact on Women’s Lives
Joanna Bourke: Pandemics and Domestic Violence
Sandro Mezzadra: Testing Borders: Covid-19 and the Management of (Im)mobility
Monika Mokre: Covid and the Unequal Distribution of Vulnerability
Fabian Fajnwaks: Contemporary Forms of the Death Drive in Pandemic Capitalism
Kevin BidermanEleanor Dare, Laura Gordon, Eleni Ikoniadou, Matt Lewis, Joseph Pochodzaj, Cecilia Wee, and Dylan Yamada-Rice: Exercises in Exorcism – Ways of Healing (Through) Art Education

Country Reports
Ethan Young: US Politics in Freefall
Dimitris Psarras: Golden Dawn: The Rise and Fall of a Nazi Gang
Asger Hougaard: Something Rotten in the State of Denmark? New Lessons and Old Problems for the Movements and Political Parties
Michael Chessum: Corbynism’s Demise: A Warning from the Brexit Moment

Luciana Castellina: 2021: 100 Years From the Founding of the Italian Communist Party – Ten Years After the Passing of Lucio Magri
Walter Baier: The Constitution and Class Struggle: On the 100th Anniversary of Austria’s Federal Constitutional Law
Milena Gegios and Dimitris Kousouris: Histories of the Greek Revolution: The Political Framing of a National Anniversary

The Marxist-Christian Dialogue
Bernhard Callebaut: Catholics and the Economy: Pope Francis’s Narrative and the Challenges for Today’s Economy
Karl-Helmut Lechner: To Differ and Learn From Each Other – A Marxist Voice on the Social Encyclical ‘Fratelli tutti’

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