Left Populism: from the economic crisis to the pandemic


Source: Pixabay.com
Linke, Theory

In the context of the economic crisis in 2008, political parties from the left such as Syriza, Podemos, and La France Insoumise as well as Corbynism within the Labour Party challenged the politics of austerity and aimed at channeling people’s discontent. These parties, with different orientations, were labelled as ‘left populist’. In the face of the pandemic and its economic consequences, it seems important to ask: What is the significance of the concept of left populism nowadays? What is its (potential) contribution to the formation of a larger left project? – A webinar organised by transform!Danmark.

Thursday, 20 May 2021
19:00 (CET)

Marina Prentoulis, University of East Anglia, author of Left Populism in Europe: Lessons from Jeremy Corbyn to Podemos (Pluto Press, 2021).
Erick Gonzalo Palomares, Guest Researcher, Center for Latin American Studies CLAS (University of Copenhagen) and Associate Researcher at Transformative Cities and Atlas of Utopias (Transnational Institute, TNI).
Óscar García Agustín, Aalborg University, author of Left-Wing Populism. The Politics of the People (Emerald, 2020).

Paolo Cossarini, Aalborg University, co-editor of Populism and Passions. Democratic Legitimacy after Austerity (Routledge, 2019).

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