Solidarität mit dem Kurdischen Kampf in Rojava

Am 7. Oktober versammelte sich eine Gruppe kurdischer Demonstrant_innen im Europäischen Parlament um Aufmerksamkeit auf die anhaltende Gewalt in Kurdistan zu lenken. Die Kämpfer vom Islamischen Staat (IS) erreichten die Grenzstadt von Syrien zu Türkei, Kobane.

Die linke Parlamentsgruppe GUE/NGL solidarisierte sich mit den kurdischen Aktivist_innen.> 

Wir publizieren einen Aufruf der HDP – "Demokratische Partei der Völker" in der Türkei vom 7. Oktober

Urgent Call to International Public Opinion! Kobane Canton in North Syria (Rojava) Under Siege by ISIS

Kobane Canton in North Syria has been resisting against ISIS (Iraq and Sham Islamic State) siege with their heavy arms and military concentration for 21 days. Kobane Canton which directly ruling by Kurdish, Assyrian, Armenian and Arab peoples in a form of a legitimate assembly that a possible model for future of democratic and pluralist Syria.

Kobane Canton’s legitimate defense organization, YPG and the people almost isolated from four sides including Turkey Border. Due to the ongoing embargo by Turkish Government, Cobane Canton’s armed struggle against ISIS is not possible.

We as Peoples’ Democratic Party calls international community to urgently take
necessary steps against ongoing ISIS Siege on Kobane in order to preventing a new massacre.

We call International Public Opinion to support Rojava Cantons.

Respectfully yours,

Selahattin Demirtaş (Co-Chair of HDP)

Figen Yüksekdağ (Co-Chair of HDP)


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