11th Summer University of the European Left

Europe – Labour – Peace

Every year since 2005 activists, party members, and members of social movements from all over Europe and beyond meet for four days to jointly develop ideas for an alternative Europe. The Summer Universities are jointly organized by transform! europe and the Party of the European Left.

This year’s Summer University is held in Italy, in the region of Tuscany from 20 to 24 July. The medieval town of Chianciano Terme will be the venue where the left will analyse the situation in Europe after the Brexit, the future of EU integration, migration, refugees and war, NATO expansion, the rise of far right and nationalist forces, the TTIP and social, environmental and human rights in the liberalization of trade, the environment and the reindustrialization.

The analysis of the situation will go accompanied by alternatives of the European left, like the Alliance against the Austerity (AAA), in which the EL has been working for more than one year, and alternatives against precarity, unemployment, debt, the production model, environmental policy, labour rights, the gender equality – in short, the challenges and policy alternatives on the left.

Location: Chianciano Terme, Hotel Santa Chiara

Shuttle bus transportation will be provided from all Rome airports (Fiumicino and Ciampino) or Pisa and Florence to Chianciano Terme on arrival the 20 July, and departure the 24 July.

Working languages: English, French, Italian
Plenaries and seminars: Professional translation. Workshops: Militant self-organized translation.

Participation fee:
The participation fee includes transport from Rome and back, all events in Chianciano Terme, full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and accommodation in a three stars hotel.
Daily visitors are of course also most welcome!

€ 200 euro in single room (€ 50 per day)
€ 160 euro in double room (€ 40 per day)
€ 140 euro in triple room (€ 35 per day)
€ 120 euro in triple room for students and unemployed (€ 30 per day)

Register now!

The deadline for registration is 10 July 2016.

To register please follow this link: www.european-left.org/service/download/summer-university-2016


See also: www.european-left.org/positions/news-archive/summer-university-2016


Wednesday, 20 July – Arrival day

Morning: Arrival and accommodation

17.00 – 18.00 Opening session

  • Fabio Amato, EL Executive Board – Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)
  • Maite Mola, EL vice-President – Izquierda Unida (Spain)
  • Haris Golemis, transform! europe
  • Eleonora Forenza, MEP Altra Europa (Italy)

18:00 Europe, what next?  

20.00 Dinner and welcome cultural activity

Thursday, 21 July – EUROPE

9.30 – 11.30 Plenary: Alliance against austerity: debt, euro-zone, for a left alternative

  • Conny Hildebrandt, transform! europe
  • Fabio De Masi, MEP Die Linke (Germany)
  • Nikos Pappas, Minister of State of the Cabinet of Greece – Syriza (Greece)
  • Paolo Ferrero, National Secretary Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)
  • Moderator: Marga Ferré, transform! europe

11.30 – 12.30 Workshops: building networks and agenda (self-organized meeting without translation)

  • EL Communication Working Group

13:00 Lunch

16.00 – 18.00 Plenary: The future of EU integration: the 5 Presidents’ report and the left

  • Marisa Matias, EL vice-President – MEP Bloco de Esquerda (Portugal)
  • Matt McCarty, MEP Sinn Fein (Ireland)
  • Maite Mola, EL vice-President – Izquierda Unida (Spain)
  • Neoklis Silikyotis, vice-President of GUE/NGL – MEP Akel (Cyprus)
  • Moderators: Fabio Amato, EL Executive Board – Rifondazione Comunista (Italy) & Roberto Morea, transform! europe

18.00 – 20.00 Two seminars:


1. EL-FEM-Seminar: Feminists Fighting back Right-Wing Attacks on Women‘s Rights in the Areas of Women‘s Employment and Labour Legislation, Reproductive Rights, Sexual Diversity and Family Politics

  • Bärbel Lange et al. (Die LINKE/Germany)
  • Gitte Pedersen et al. (Red-Green Alliance/Denmark, EL-FEM)
  • N.N. (Hungary)
  • N.N. (France)
  • Moderator: Judith Benda

2. Europe between hope and fear: The challenge for th Left and the nightmare of the far Right

  • Yannis Bournos, EL Executive Board – Syriza (Greece)
  • Gilles Garnier, EL Executive Board – PCF (France)
  • Joanna Gwiazdecka, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Warsaw (Poland)
  • Moderator: Mario Candeias, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

20.30 Dinner

21.30 Cultural activity

Friday, 22 July – LABOUR

9.30 – 11.30 Plenary: Against precariousness and unemployment: working time reduction

  • Pierre Laurent, EL President – National Secretary PCF (France)
  • Representative of FIOM CGIL (Italy)
  • Benjamin Pestieau, member of the PTB Bureau (Belgium)
  • Verveine Angeli, Solidaire (France)
  • Moderator: Roberta Fantozzi, Responsible of Economic Policies Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)

11.30 – 12.30 Workshops: building networks and agenda (self-organized meeting without translation)

  • EL Public Services Working Group
  • EL-FEM Network

13.00 Lunch

16.00 – 18.00 Plenary: TTIP and the others. Trade liberalization and social, environmental and human rights

  • Eleonora Forenza, MEP member of International Trade committee – Altra Europa (Italy)
  • Adoración Guamán, transform! europe
  • Hanna Sarkkinnen, MP Vasemmistoliitto (Finland)
  • Monica Di Sisto, Fairwatch vice-President
  • Moderator: Natasa Theodorakopoulou, EL Executive Board – Syriza (Greece)

18.00 – 20.00 Two seminars:


1. EL-FEM-Seminar: Feminist Critique of Neoliberal Economy and the Places it Assigns to Women: Strategies against Impoverishing Women

  • Imma Barbarossa (EL-FEM, European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI/Italy)
  • Marina Gržinić (artist and philosopher, Academy of Science and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • Katerina Papatheodorou (EL-FEM, Department for Feminist Policy and Gender of SYRIZA/Greece)
  • Moderator: Hilde Grammel (KPÖ/Austria, EL-FEM)

2. Collective bargaining and reconstruction of industrial policy in Europe

  • Domenico Moro, author of “Globalization and Industrial Decadency”
  • Paloma Lopez, MEP Izquierda Plural (Spain)
  • Loudovikos Kotsonopoulos, transform! europe
  • Moderator: Maxime Benatouil, transform! europe

20.30 Dinner and visit of Siena

Saturday, 23 July – PEACE

9.30 – 11.30 Plenary: Migrants, refugees and wars

  • Jan Kavan, former President UN General Assembly (Czech Republic)
  • Asli Aydin, EL Executive Board – ODP (Turkey)
  • Heinz Bierbaum, Die Linke (Germany)
  • Nektarios Bougdanis, member of the Secretariat of the Foreign Policy Department – Syriza (Greece)
  • Moderator: Inger V. Johansen, EL Executive Board – Red-Green Alliance (Denmark)

11.30 – 12.30 Workshops: building networks and agenda (self-organized meeting without translation)

13.00 Lunch

16.00 – 18.00 Two seminars:


1. EL-FEM-Seminar: The Global Humanitarian Crisis: Women Trapped between (Civil) Wars and European Border Regimes

  • Sabine Lösing (MEP, DIE LINKE, Germany)
  • Ioanna Kanavou (Head-Coordinator of the Department for Feminist Policy and Gender of SYRIZA/Greece)
  • Myassa Kraitt (Co-founder and advisor at the Extremism Information Centre, Austria/Irak)
  • Moderator: Birge Krondorfer (Political philosopher, feminist activist, EL-FEM)

2. EU neighbour policy and NATO expansion

  • Claudia Haydt, EL Executive Board – Die Linke (Germany)
  • Veronika Sušová-Salminen, historian and political analyst
  • Inna Shupak, EL Executive Board – MP Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
  • Moderator: Giovanna Capelli, EL Executive Board – Rifondazione Cominsta (Italy)

18.00 – 20.00 Plenary: Conclusions of the Summer University: For a socialist, ecologist, and feminist alternative

  • Pierre Laurent, EL President – National Secretary PCF (France)
  • Alberto Garzon, Izquierda Unida coordinator (Spain)
  • Paolo Ferrero, National Secretary Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)
  • Eleonora Forenza, MEP Altra Europa (Italy)
  • Monica Valente, Foro de Sao Paulo Executive Secretary – PT (Brasil)
  • Marco Revelli, L’Altra Europa con Tsipras (Italy)
  • Conny Hildebrandt, transform! europe
  • Panos Rigas, Syriza (Greece), tbc

20.30 Dinner

21.30 Concert

Sunday, 24 July – Departure day
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