6th International Marx Conference: Crises, Revolts, Utopias

transform! europe supports this conference and takes part with two workshops.

Venue: University Paris-1 Sorbonne and Paris-West Nanterre

How should the twofold crisis, economic and ecological, that is shaking the world today be interpreted? Is it a new link in the long chain of successive breaks that have occurred throughout the history of modern capitalism? Is it the beginning of a new era? Could revolts be part of the conjuncture that Marxism had assigned to the revolution? How can utopia, considered positively with regard to its social, political, cultural and subversive creativity, become a reality?

The congress is organized in sections corresponding to the main disciplines of the social sciences: Philosophy, Economics, Law, History, Sociology, Culture, Languages, Political Science and Anthropology, as well as thematic sections:

Feminism, Ecology, Socialisms and Marxisms.

Interdisciplinary plenary sessions deal with themes that transcend these categories.

The main theoretical journals will co-organize and develop their own projects.

About a thousand researchers are expected to participate in approximately a hundred workshops.

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