A European Spring is Necessary. European/Prague Spring 2020

International Web Conference

All-European mobillizing Conference for climate justice and peace, discussing social and environmental alternatives and answering the multidimensional crisis.


  • bringing social, peace and environmental movements together, especially those from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) involved in seeking for solutions to the global threats against peace, climate and equality
  • focusing on interdependence of these issues of the highest importance
  • mobilizing human and financial resources for a better involvement of CEE activists in the World Social Forum (WSF, Mexico, 25-29 January 2021)


Prague Spring 2 – European network against right-wing extremism and populism – together with UNITED for Intercultural Action, Alliance for Labour and Solidarity (Spojenectví práce a solidarity – SpaS), International Young Naturefriends (IYNF), Young European Environmentalists (YEE) and Organizers for the Left (A Szervezök A Baloldalért – SzAB) with support of transform! europe.


We recommend:

European/Prague Spring 2020 Webinars (April 2020)



Saturday, 5 December


13:00 – 13:15: Registration of participants, welcome and organisational remarks

13:15 – 15:00: Rise of Wars and Military Spending and Climate Crises, how to address growing environmental concerns and conflicts in the CEE region.

Chair: Igor Gotlib
Belarus: Alexander Oparin and Valeriy Derkach, Ukraine: Yury Dergunov (Donetsk), Andrey Kochetov (Lugansk), Nina Potarska (Kiev)
Southern Caucasus: Bahruz Samedov (Azerbaijan), Aram Amirbekian (Armenia)
Poland: Nina Sankari

Action proposals

15:00 – 15:15: coffee break

15:15 – 15:40: “Budapest cuisine” – Hungarian cabaretists (video special performance for European Spring with subtitles)

15:40 – 17:25: Social justice, ecological solutions to the climate crisis and building peace in the CEE region,

chair: Vera Zalka
Bálint Josa, UNITED, Europe/Hungary
Nelli Gishyan, No Hate Speech network, Armenia
Igor Gotlib, Russia
Ágnes Gagyi, Adjunct Professor ELTE Univ. Budapest, Hungary
Mirek Prokeš, Alliance for Labour and Solidarity (SPaS Czechia) and WSF Int’l Council
general debate

17:25 – 17:30 Cultural ending

Sunday, 6 December

09:30 – 10:15: Registration of participants, welcome
Jewish partisan song
introductory remarks, Neringa Tumenaite, Tord Björk, Mirek Prokeš
presentations of action proposals:
Ecosocial transformation through universal disarmament and nuke-free Europe (Rainer Braun, International Peace Bureau, tbc)

Mock COP 26 youth climate initiative
Central and Eastern European action proposals from previous day
Stop repression and Western biased history (Tord Björk, Activists for Peace) and György Droppa (SzAB)
European Forum,
International People’s Assembly

Other action proposals
World Social Forum 2021, Leo Gabriel (Prague Spring 2 and WSF Int’l Council, Austria)

10:15 – 11:45: Towards an ecosocial peace movement. Chair: Bálint Josa
Aaron Bastani, Labour/Novara media, UK (tbc)
Amos Wallgren, climate justice activist, Finland
Károly György, MASzSz Hungarian trade union
Kristine Karch, No to NATO, Germany
Sina Franz, Int’l Young Naturefriends, tbc

11:45 – 12:00: coffee break

12:00 – 13:30: General debate on the European and WSF
process chair: Leo Gabriel
Neringa Tumenaité, UNITED for Intercultural Action, Lithuania
Alexander Buzgalin, Alternativy, Russia (tbc)
Marko Ulvila, Finnish Social Forum

13:30 – 14:00: Conclusions, closing ceremony

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