A Mediterranean Alternative for a Renewed Europe

Conference Announcement by transform!italia

Sapienza University of Rome
Aula del Chiostro – Facoltà di Ingegneria
Via Eurossiana 18 (S. Pietro in Vincoli)


The old Franco-German axis on which the present European Union is built has become progressively dominated by the dictates of financial capital and neo-liberal ideology, ending up by producing the current economic and social crisis and a lack of democracy.


The main victims of this crisis, perpetuated by austerity policies, are the countries of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. Along with their weak subjects: workers, youth, women and immigrants. Only a new alliance between them might contribute to the regeneration of the European Union.

It is necessary, therefore, to address the imbalances and asymmetries that led to a state of perpetual and growing subordination of the South, especially to the German export-led model, focusing attention on an idea of harmonization opposite to the “austerity” measures, the “do your homework”, the impositions of the Troika.

One idea that, otherwise, addresses the needs of economic and productive rebalancing with the alignment to the top of social standards, of valorization of vocations of the area, the promotion of democracy.

The initiative we are proposing will be a moment of confrontation and investigation on this scenario and the possible alternatives dedicated, first of all, to all the subjects, critics and victims of the change in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean countries and the whole Union.

This reflection develops two points:

1. The structural reasons for imbalances of economic and social differentials, the arbitrary use of European governance, the German hegemony as a pathfinder for a general aggression against social rights, to the constitutions that enshrine and defend them, the European Charter of fundamental rights of 2007;

2. The economic policies to promote the countries of the South, the realization of their potential, directing them towards the promotion of a new, environment oriented economy. At the same time, the governmental instruments of the Union should be deeply reformed in order to enable them to establish new levels of democracy and public intervention. Must also be overcome, toward the countries of the Southern Mediterranean, the (more or less) neo-colonialist logic so far followed, giving start, through political and institutional spaces already existing, to an enhanced cooperation and an EU-MED community that supports it.

We suggest to work along 4 thematic axes:

a) Europe, the reasons of structural imbalances, the re-balancing policies;

b) Euro-Med from free trade area to an eco-solidarity based “meso-region”, even through the Constitution by the end of 2014 of a Med-EU Community;

c) Migrants, rights of persons, male and female workers, including freedom of movement, the right to asylum, the creation of humanitarian corridors for the people involved in acts of war;

d) Culture and rights in the Mediterranean cradle, revolts and revolutions of dignity.

We plan to involve intellectuals, economists, environmentalists, representatives of the movements of the Left and social policies, labour unions, the fair economy and equitable and ethical finance, the civil and democratic world’s commitment to the issue of change, local administrators and networks of municipalities, schools, universities and research institutes.

The conference is organized by transform! italia in cooperation with Altra Mente, Fondazione Cercare Ancora and Sinistra Euromediterranea with support of transform! europe.

Further information:



Schedule: 9.00-19.00

Details to be announced soon.

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