‘Building Alliances – Fighting for Representation – Changing Political Power Relations’

International Seminar

transform! europe
Gusshausstraße 14/3
1040 Wien

Left movements, parties and elections: European and Austrian experiences. – The seminar is dedicated to the exchange of experience of left parties and activists with electoral alliances and projects.


Organisers: transform! europe, Party of the European Left, Wien Anders, Aufbruch

The event is open to the public.

As space is limited, registration by 10 February is required: https://docs.google.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1444135695610897/


Friday, 17 February


  • Cornelia HILDEBRANDT (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin): Europe’s Left – political cultures and perspectives. Overview on the conditions of existence and development of European left tendencies and parties. Preconditions and cultures for alliances.
  • Adoración GUAMÁN (Professor University of Valencia, advisor of the GUE/NGL faction in the European Parliament)

Audience discussion

Saturday, 18 February



  • Hugo MONTEIRO (Cultra, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal)
  • Angelina GIANNOPOULOU (Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athens)
  • Alex GUAL (CUP – Candidatura d’Unitat Popular, Catalonia)
  • Luka MESEC (Initiative for Democratic Socialism – IDS, MP Združena levica – United Left, Slovenia)

Audience discussion


  • Ulli WEISH (Plattform 20.000 Frauen, Department of Communication, University of Vienna): On the topic from a non-party and feminist movement’s perspective

Audience discussion

3. Experiences of the election alliances EUROPA ANDERS (2014), WIEN ANDERS (2015) and LINKE – OPPOSITION SOLIDARISCHES EUROPA (2004): Three discussion tables

4. CONCLUSION by the organisers

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