Building Bridges – shifting and strengthening visions – exploring alternatives

2nd International Marxist-Feminist Conference

Semperdepot, Academy of fine arts Vienna
Lehargasse 6-8
1060 Wien


In March 2015 over 500 women and men participated in the first international Marxist-Feminist conference. Some of the themes were: Revisiting and rethinking Marxist-Feminist theory, Intersectionality from a Marxist-Feminist perspective, Hegemonic Feminism as a servant of neoliberalism, the position of women in the care economy, globalisation, education and feminist theory in the global south, human-nature relationships. Speakers included: Frigga Haug, Gayatri C. Spivak, Saskia Sassen, Nira Yuval-Davis, Cynthia Cockburn, Erica Burman, Shahrzad Mojab, Tucker Pamella Farley, and many others. See the conference report by Ruth May and the article by Bärbel Danneberg.

The second conference, taking place in Vienna from 7-9 October 2016, will take up some of these themes again as well as discussing new ones. It will again be organised by the feminist section of InkriT (Berlin Institute of Critical Theory), transform! europe, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and many others.

Working languages: German and English

Further information:

For introduction and abstracts click here

It’s free entry, open for all genders, please use the registration form on the right to register!

Austrian Cooperation Partners:
Akademie der Bildenden Künste/ Academy of Fine Arts
Femme Fiscale
Grüne Bildungswerkstatt
Grüne Frauen
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Institut für Soziologie
Institut für Internationale Entwicklung
One Billion Rising Austria
Österreichischer Frauenring
Plattform 20000frauen
Referat Genderforschung der Universität Wien
Wiener SPÖ-Frauen



Time Friday – Room 1: Mehrzwecksaal (MZS) Simultaneous translation English – German – English  Friday – Room 2: Ausstellungsraum


08:30 – 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 10:30 Introduction: Heidemarie Ambrosch, transform!europe; Eva Blimlinger, Director of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Nora Räthzel, Berlin Institute of Critical Theory (InkriT)
10:30 – 11:00 Room 1

Frigga Haug: Introduction into the Stream: Marxist-Feminist Theory (DE*)

11:00 – 12:30 Marxist-Feminist Theory

Ligaya McGovern: Mainstreaming the Marxist Feminist Frame

Jennifer Cotter: The Labor Theory of Gender

Frieda Afary/Farzaneh Raji: Comparing and Contrasting Marxist-Feminist Theories

Chair: Friederike Habermann 

Marxist-Feminist Perspectives on Motherhood

Marie Reusch: Motherhood + Emancipation = Mission Impossible?

Pınar Sarıgöl: Motherhood in the Neoliberal Family Corporation

Chair: Birge Krondorfer 

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 European Governance

Elisabeth Klatzer: Marxist-Feminist Perspectives on Economic Governance in the EU

Marina Gržinić: Marxist-Feminist Perspectives from Former Yugoslavia to Neoliberal Fascist Europe

Birge Krondorfer: The Question of Education and the Lack of Critique in the European Education System (DE)

Chair: Ruth May 

Marxist-Feminist Analyses of Racism

Carmen Teeple Hopkins: Secularism and Sexist Islamophobia in Quebec and France

Jelena Petrović: What does (Il)legality Stand for Today?

Stefanie Mayer/Edma Ajanovic/Birgit Sauer: Gender as Symbolic Glue for Right-Wing Actors

Chair: Tucker P. Farley 

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00 Marxist-Feminist Political Economy

Gabriele Michalitsch: A Feminist Critique of Political Economy

Elmar Flatschart: Value-Form Theory and Feminism

Friederike Habermann: Queering the World Altogether (DE)

Chair: Käthe Knittler (tbc) 

Marxist-Feminist Theory

Jules Gleeson: The Byzantine Eunuch as a Pre-Modern Gender Category: a Test for Materialist Feminism

Tine Haubner: Marxist-Feminist Theory of Exploitation

Catia Gregoratti: Antonio Gramsci’s Feminist Questions

Chair: Antje Géra 

17:00 – 17:30 Coffee Break
17:30 – 19:00 Critical Theory and Marxist-Feminism

Flora Eder, Fe.ory Collective:The Eclipse of Gender and Reason: Adorno and Horkheimer, Subject, and the Relation of Sex and Gender

Karin Stögner: “Race – Class – Gender” – an Inclusive Concept? Or: What has That got to Do with Israel?

Barbara Umrath: Marxist-Feminist Theorizing as a Project of Continuous Critical Engagement with the Frankfurt School

Internal chairing

Marxist-Feminist Perspectives on Nature and Labour 


Ariel Salleh: Marxism and Ecofeminism

Nora Räthzel: Discussant and Chair



19:00 – 19:30 Break  
19:30 – 21:00 Location to be announced

Film Screening: Not Yet Over (Nichts ist erledigt)


Dir.: Kornelia Kugler and Hanna Bergfors/ Systrar Productions

20:00 – 00:00: Reception and Party to Meet Vienna’s Social Democratic Women at: ega:frauen im zentrum

Windmühlgasse 26

A-1060 Wien



 Time Saturday – Room 1: Mehrzwecksaal (MZS)

Simultaneous translation English – German – English

Saturday – Room 2: Ausstellungsraum


09:00 – 09:30 Room 1

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Introduction into the Stream: Feminist Organising beyond Europe

09:30 – 11:00 Feminist Organising beyond Europe: the Global South

Ana González: Argentinian Feminist Movements

Patrícia Trópia Vieira: Women in Brazil’s Trade Union Movement

Khayaat Fakier/Jacklyn Cock: Reflections on Marxist–Feminist Organising in South Africa

Chair: Antje Géra 

Marxist-Feminist Theory

Raphaële Chappe: Rosa Luxemburg: The Accumulation of Capital 100 Years Later

Ankica Čakardić: Luxemburgian Critique of Political Economy: From the Theory of Accumulation to Social Reproduction Theory

Trouble Everyday Collective (Ann Wiesental/Charlie Kaufhold): Analysing Capital and Gender Relations Using the Example of Capital Accumulation and Social Reproduction

Chair: Ruth May

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Feminist Organising beyond Europe: Middle East

Selin Çağatay: Feminist Struggles in the Middle East and North Africa

Deniz Ulusoy: Oppression and Feminist Resistance in Turkey

Feride Eralp: Decolonial Feminism and Women’s Organizing against War in Turkey/Syria

Chair: Ines Schwerdtner 

Marxist-Feminist Analyses of and in Contemporary Capitalism

Ashley Bohrer: Capitalist Confinement: from Enclosures to Mass Incarceration

Shannon Ikebe: Social Reproduction and the Crisis of Fordism

Rebecca Carson: Indigenous Feminism and the Problem of Wave-Based Historical Determinism

Chair: Flora Eder

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 Feminist Organising beyond Europe: the USA

Ann Ferguson: Women’s Leadership, the Right to Care and Revolutionary Reforms in the United States

Kathryn Russell: Alliances among Labor, Racial Justice and Environmental Activists:

Love, Solidarity and Resistance

Nancy Holmstrom: The Relationship between Political Practice and Theoretical Analyses

Internal chairing 

Feminist Resistance against Fundamentalisms

Nira Yuval-Davis: Anti-Fundamentalism, Anti-Racism and Feminist Politics

Pragna Patel: Fundamentalism, Cultural Relativism and Women’s Rights in the Context of the UK

Gabriele Dietrich: A Flower on the Chain or a Tunnel towards Liberation?

Chair: Catia Gregoratti 

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 18:00 Theses: Re-Foundation of Marxism-Feminism  (Room 1: MZS)

Frigga Haug: Introduction into Theses (DE)

Chairs and Discussants: Carina Klugbauer, Angela von Kampen

Plenary discussion to decide about theses for a common Marxist-Feminist Manifesto

18:00 – 18:30 Break
18:30 – 20:00 Cultural Programme

18.30 MZS: Cutting Edge, Fragment #3, Poltergeist

arge blumen – a Viennese dialect translation of “les fleurs du mal” – is an artistic work community. Working from a feminist socio-critical perspective, Bauer and Lepold have developed a style characterized by elements of Butoh, intense physical expression, and involvement in contemporary issues. Together with the sound designer Andreas Wiesbauer, they will perform Fragment #3, Poltergeist, from their latest work, Cutting Edge.

19:00 Prospekthof: IN-VISIBLE-IN, a multi-media performance, especially produced for the 2nd International Marxism-Feminism-Conference 2016 in Vienna by Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki and visual artist starsky, uses common clichés and patterns in order to break and deconstruct them and to evoke multi-layered emotional spaces of association.


 Time Sunday – Room 1: Mehrzwecksaal (MZS)

Simultaneous translation English- German – English

Sunday – Room 2: Ausstellungsraum
09:30 – 11:00 Marxist-Feminist Analyses of Work

Paula Mulinari/Rebecca Selberg: The Anti-Work Concept and the Marxist- Feminist Concept of Work

Diana Mulinari/Nora Räthzel: Three Gender Regimes in Three Countries at one Transnational Corporation

Hannah Schultes/Verena Letsch: Recognition of Reproductive Workers – Battlefield or Pitfall?

Chair: Nancy Holmstrom 

Marxist-Feminist Organising in Europe

Annabelle Bonnet: Women in the French Trade Union Movement

Feminist Organising in Spain: Confirmation pending

Marianthi Anastasiadou: Marxism-Feminism/Feminism-Marxism in Greece Today: Old Obstacles, New Challenges

Chair: Elisabeth Klatzer

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 Diversity, Intersectionality: Practice and Theory

Tucker P. Farley: Neoliberalism, Intersectionality and Lesbian-Led Movements Globally

Monica Quirico: Self-Government and Self-Organization

Zoe Sutherland/Marina Vishmidt: Difference and the Universal in Legacies of Feminism

Chair: Eva Egermann

Contested Identity and Contested Nature


Workshop with: Uta von Winterfeld, Adelheid Biesecker, Sarah Breitenbach

Internal chairing

13:00 – 14:00 End of Conference – Feedback – Preparation of Next Conference
Workshops in Open Spaces: Times and Spaces to be Announced at the Conference

+Eva Egermann/Doris Arztmann/Jonah I. Garde/Elisabeth Magdlener: Talking Crip with Marxism-Feminism

+Feminist Section of the Critical Historical Dictionary of Marxism: Presentation of the Project, Call for Authors

+Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki / OBRA – One Billion Rising Austria: Break the Chain / Dancing for Activism  


* DE = Contribution in German with simultaneous translation into English

Contributions without a symbol will be in English with simultaneous translation into German if they are in Room 1 (MZS)


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