Call for Papers for the Annual Conference of the EuroMemo Group

Working Group of European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe


Call for Papers for the 17th Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe:
“European integration at the crossroads: Deepening or disintegration?”
16-18 September 2011 at the C3-Center for International Development in Vienna/Austria

Dear colleagues,

This year’s EuroMemo Group conference will be held in Vienna from 16-18 September 2011.

The conference will open on the afternoon of Friday, 16 September with the customary plenary on the State of the Union. We are pleased to announce the two key speakers:

  • The Political State of the Union, Birgit Mahnkopf (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
  • The Economic State of the Union, Ozlem Onaran (Middlesex University, London)

We would like to invite you to attend the conference and to submit proposals for papers for one of the four workshops shown below. These should address the key themes of EU policy in each area.

Workshop 1: Austerity policies – Coordinator: Marica Frangakis
Austerity policies are being imposed in a number of EU member states, most notably in the euro area periphery and in Central and Eastern Europe. This workshop aims to examine developments in specific countries, giving special emphasis to the degradation of social protection systems and of labour market institutions, and the implications for  youth unemployment and the organization of old-age security.

Workshop 2: The future of the eurozone – Coordinator: Trevor Evans
Developments of the past year raise the danger of a disintegration of the eurozone.  As some members states struggle to deal with rising levels of public and private debt, the EU has promoted new governance measures that look set to exacerbate the situation. Contributions are invited that address macroeconomic imbalances, debt and the banking crisis, monetary policy and the role of the ECB, the European Stability Mechanism, and the Pact for the Euro.

Workshop 3: The EU and the world – Coordinator: Werner Raza
Developments in neighbouring Mediterranean countries highlight just one of the international challenges faced by the EU. This workshop seeks papers that address the issues of migration, trade policy, EU development policies, as well as, more generally, the role of the EU in global governance, in particular the G20.

Workshop 4: Energy, climate change and sustainability, after Fukushima – Coordonator: Frieder O. Wolf
The crisis in Japan dramatically focused public attention on the pressing urgency for a fundamental change in energy policy. Papers are invited that will address the challenge of developing policies that promote social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Proposals for papers together with a short abstract (maximum 250 words) should be submitted by 30 June. If accepted, completed papers should be submitted by 1 September.

If you would like to participate in the workshop, please copy the registration form below into an email and reply by the 30 June 2011 to indicating:

  • that you would like to participate and
  • whether you wish to offer a paper for one of the workshops.

The provisional programme is attached. Please note that there will be a conference fee collected at the venue (20 Euro / 10 Euro for students).

The C3-Center for International Development is located in the centre of Vienna, close to the “Altes AKH”-campus of the University of Vienna.

Information sheets with details about travel arrangements and hotel bookings are attached. A contingent of rooms has been reserved at three hotels in Vienna. Please use the attached form to make your own bookings. Please be aware that early booking is strongly recommended to secure a room at one of the hotels.

We look forward to seeing you in Vienna!
Best wishes,
for the EuroMemo Group

Werner Raza, Wlodzimierz Dymarski, Miren Etxezarreta, Trevor Evans, Marica Frangakis, John Grahl, Jacques Mazier, Mahmood Messkoub, Catherine Sifakis, Frieder Otto Wolf, Diana Wehlau
European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe
EuroMemo Group


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