Challenging the Rule of Troika, Transforming Europe

International Conference

Venue: Dublin City University

DCU Campus Map

For further information:

Facebook Site of the conference

Organised by the Dublin City University and transform!europe



Venue: Room AG01 (Ballymum Road entrance)

09:00 – 09:15: Arrival

09:15 – 09:30: Welcome

John Doyle, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dublin City University (Ireland)
Helena Sheehan, Professor Emerita, Dublin City University (Ireland)
Haris Golemis, Economist,  Legal Representative of transform! europe, Director of Nicos Poulantzas Institute (Greece)

09:30 – 11:30: Economic and Social Consequences of Memoranda I

Maria Karamessini, Professor of Labour Economics and Social Policy, Panteion University (Greece)
Michael Taft, Economist, UNITE Trade Union (Ireland)
Rafael Munoz de Bustillo Liorente, Professor of Applied Economics, University of Salamanca (Spain)
Moderator: Helena Sheehan, Professor Emerita, Dublin City University (Ireland)

11:30 – 11:45: Coffee Break

11:45 – 13:45: Economic and Social Consequences of Memoranda II

Marisa Matias, Economist, MEP of the Left Block (Portugal)-GUE/NGL, Vice President of the Party of the European Left
David Jacobson, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Dublin City University (Ireland)
Panagiotis Pandelidis, Economist, Committee for a Radical Left Rally (Cyprus)
Moderator: Elena Papadopoulou, Economist, Nicos Poulantzas Institute (Greece), Economists΄Group of transform! europe

13.45 – 14:30: Lunch Break

14:30 – 16:30: Social Resistances and Political Alternatives at National and European Level I

Marga Ferre, Secretary of the Programme Committee of the United Left (Spain)
Paul Murphy, MEP, Socialist Party (Ireland)-GUE/NGL
Sotiris Vlachos, Peace Platform United Cyprus, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Moderator: Walter Baier, Economist, transform! Austria (Austria), Coordinator of transform! europe

6:30 – 16:45: Coffee Break

16:45- 18:45: Social Resistances and Political Alternatives at National and European Level II

Mary Lou McDonald, TD, Sinn Fein (Ireland)
Euclid Tsakalotos, Professor of Economics, University of Athens, MP, SYRIZA (Greece)
Mariana Mortagua, Economist, MP, Left Block (Portugal)-GUE/NGL
Moderator: Haris Golemis, Economist, Legal Representative of transform! europe, Director of Nicos Poulantzas Institute (Greece)

18:45 – 19:00: Break


Venue: Room HG20 (Collins Avenue entrance)

19.00 – 20:00: A Left Political Alternative for the Refoundation of Europe

Alexis Tsipras, President of SYRIZA (Greece), Vice President of the Party of the European Left, Candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission

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