Coalition of Labour: Worker’s Voices in Europe

Publication launch

The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Bavaria talks with the authors of the transform! europe ePublication Coalition of Labour: Worker’s Voices in Europe, which provides an analysis of the current working and living conditions, the perceived causes of their situation, and the impact of the pandemic of French, German, and Italian workers.


Monday, 19. July
19:00 – 21:00 (CET)
via Facebook (live)

In semi-structured interviews carried out between August and November 2020, 46 workers, men and women, from three European countries (France, Germany, and Italy), both in secure and precarious jobs, the following research questions were addressed:

  1. How do the respondents perceive themselves and their living conditions in relation to their employment situations?
  2. Who do they think is responsible for their conditions?
  3. What was the impact of the first wave of the pandemic on them?
  4. What are the interviewees’ hopes and desires? Can they imagine a way to fulfil them, and does this entails collective political action?


  • Edoardo Esposto, postdoctoral researcher at University of Rome Sapienza;
  • Nathan Gaborit, graduate student at the Sciences Po School of Research and at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences;
  • Beatriz Casas González, researcher at the ISF, PhD candidate at the Hamburg University, RLS scholar;
  • Alessia Gasparini, translator of the Italian version and contributor for Left magazine and transform! Italia;
  • Roberto Morea, member of transform!italia and member of the transform! europe Managing Board

The event will be streamed via Facebook Live. The event can also be watched in the stream without having a Facebook account.


The ePublication Coalition of Labour: Worker’s Voices in Europe can be downloaded here.

Further information on the publication, click here.

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