Dissent, Consent and Hope – Statements, Perspectives and Discussion

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Altiero Spinelli Building
Place de Luxembourg
1047 Brussels


The fraction of the European Left at the European Parliament is organising a DIALOP-Event to present the Position Paper between Christians and Marxists at the European level.


DIALOP transversal Dialogue Project fosters and supports the dialogue of good willing persons, with secular and religious backgrounds, especially between Socialist/Marxists and Christians. In collaboration with universities and other formal or informal educational institutions, DIALOP aims to develop and implement the fields of a Social Ethics, applying the principles of the Marxian Social Critique and the Social Doctrine of the Church.

DIALOP is also a partner organisation of transform! europe.

Tuesday, 8 Nov 2022
17:00 – 19:00 (CET)

The presentation event will be held hybrid.

For more information visit the website of DIALOP – Transversal Dialogue Project

Please find the DIALOP Press Release on the presentation event on the right (mobile version: below) in ‘Documents’ (English, PDF).


17.00 CET: Opening speech – “Common journeys towards a global, just and fraternal society”


  • Mons. Piero Coda, secretary general of the Pontifical International Theological Commission (via Zoom)

Presentation of the Position Paper “Dissent, consent and hope. The Position Paper of DIALOP”


  • Michael Brie, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Berlin
  • Bernhard Callebaut, Sophia University Institute, Loppiano Florence

Statements and reviews


  • Marisa Matias, vice President of the Left party in the European Parliament
  • Manuel Enrique Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of COMECE
  • Conny Hildebrandt, Co-President of transform!europe, Consultant at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
  • Paolo Frizzi, Porticus Foundation
  • José Manuel Pureza, Coimbra University, former MP and vice president of the Portuguese Parliament


Dialogue with the participants

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