Europe-Latinamerica Local and Regional Entities Meeting

Exchange of experiences between Latin America and European local and regional governments and public management to develop social rights and democratic political participation.


Organised by FEC (European Citizens Foundation, Spain), transform! europe and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

The main objective of this meeting is to coordinate key agents of local and regional institutions. They will be the motor and transmittors that will get close to the citizens a proposal of more sociopolitical participation that we think can contribute to have more confident in the institutions.

The Meeting will gather local and regional entities, citizens networks and social movements. Debates, workshops and training activities will be organized looking for the implication of the citizenship in local governments. The main issues are: participatory budgets, local governance and promoting citizen networks for the European integration and the strengthening of the democracy.

As a consequence of the Meeting, a Local Governance and Democracy network will be created, to a fluid communication and participation between local and regional entities.


The objective is to exchange experiences between local and regional entities form America and Europe in 4 axes:

1. Political participation and democracy

2. Economy and internal revenue

3. Social rights

4. Work and employment

This site is registered on as a development site.