European Meeting on Richness and Contributions of the Migrations to the Development of an Intercultural Society

While the crisis seems to promote self-centreed attitudes, the organisers of this meeting aim at making Europe a more open place and one that is characterised by solidarity. To reach this goal it is important to let the intercultural dialogue become an essential element of civic consciousness.



the Association Culturelle Joseph Jacquemotte (ACJJ), the Réseau d’Élus et d’Autorités Locales Progressistes d’Europe (REALPE) in cooperation with Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique (FGTB)


invite you to a European Meeting on

“The Richness and the Contributions of the Migrations to the Development of an Intercultural Society”



Friday, 23 April 2010, 13.30-18.00 and

Saturday, 24 April 2010, 9.15-16.00




42 rue Haute

1000 Brussels


Working language is French.

Registration is required.


ACJJ: l’Association Culturelle Joseph Jacquemotte (L’ACJJ) is a founding member of the network REALPE and member of the transform! network.

REALPE: Network of the progressive local representatives (Réseau d’Élus et d’Autorités Locales Pro-gressistes d’Europe). Founded in 2005 by local representatives of about 15 European countries, the in-formal network aims at linking the latter amongst each other and to the GUE-NGL-group in the European Parliament.

FGTB: Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique.

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