Feminism: An Antidote to the Far Right


European Parliament in Brussels
Room JAN 6Q1
and online

The far right has put feminism and LGTBI people at the centre of its criticism. Their anti-feminist and anti-LGTBI speeches, increase their popularity and have severe consequences. Watch here the sessions’ recordings.


In this 2-day event the relationship between the rise of the far right and the proliferation of agendas and public policies that go against women’s rights and contribute to sex and gender discrimination have been discussed.

The meeting was held hybrid.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

16:30—17:00 (CET): Welcome introduction

  • María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, MEP The Left

Projection of the video “Europe: Extreme right and antifeminism”

17:00—19:00 (CET): Feminist solutions to the Far Right narratives


  • Seyla Benhabib, senior research scholar and adjunct professor of law at Columbia Law School
  • Rosi Braidotti, contemporary continental philosopher and feminist theorist, Professor Emeritus at Utrecht University
  • María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, MEP the Left and Professor in Philosophy of Law at Universidad Carlos III Madrid

Moderation and conclusions: 

  • Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán, Spanish journalist, specialist in political and social theory and feminist theory

Thursday, 19 May 2022

The contribution of Barbara Steiner will be published as article on the website of transform! europe

9:30—10:30 (CET): Fights against the far right movements


  • Steven Forti, historian specialising in the study of fascism, nationalism and the extreme right in contemporary times
  • Rada Borić, Feminist activist and member of the Left from Croatia
  • Barbara Steiner, director of transform! europe and member of Vienna Revolutionary Feminist Reader group

Moderation and conclusions:

  • Sira Rego, MEP The Left

11:00—12:30 (CET): Anti-feminist and anti-gender attacks on equality and LGTBI policies


  • Justyna Wydrzyńska, member of the Abortion Dream Team-Poland
  • Gloriya Filipova, project coordinator at the Bilitis Foundation in Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Ebba Elena Karlström, anti-racist activist and president of the Stockholm district of the Swedish Left Party
  • Marina Echebarría Sáenz, Spain’s first openly trans Professor and activist on LGBTIQ and women’s rights

Moderation and conclusions: 

  • Malin Björk, MEP The Left


You can find more information on the website of The Left in the European Parliament.

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