Fighting the Far Right in the US: News From the Frontline

webinar recording

Defeating Trump was only the beginning. The struggle against the far-right remains an urgent necessity. Despite the recent elections, American political landscape is not free of “Trumpism”. Watch the full video!


The figure retains the support of tens of millions of fervent and dedicated supporters, but also of many neo-liberal and conservative organizations, as well as several media outlets, such as Fox News or Breitbart News. Moreover, the ingredients that made Trump’s success in 2016 possible are still there: hostility to immigrants, racial animosity, the despise of the educated elite towards the working classes, and the now widespread feeling that globalization has served the interests of multinationals and the upper classes to the detriment of the majority.

“Trumpism” is a complicated political ideology. It is a blend of mainstream and far right forces and politics, of elitism and populism, insider and outsider, creating a hybrid that challenges democracies in fundamental ways. As progressive forces, we have to revisit our conceptualizations and our classifications to understand it and defeat it.

From the stories of the movements which resisted Trump, as told by those on the front lines, this webinar will draw the lines of this “new” type of far-right and how it shakes the U.S. political order.

Their struggles and analysis will also be an opportunity to take some broader conclusions that can feed European strategies against far-right.

The webinar was held in English. Yet, due to technical difficulties the audio track switched to the French interpretation two times. We apologies for any inconvenience.


Saturday, 10th April 2021
18:00 – 19:30pm (CET)
via Zoom

Languages: English and French



Gala Kabbaj, facilitator of working group on Strategies Against the Radical, Far and Populist Right of transform! europe

Introduction and Moderation:
Marga Ferré, Co-President of transform! europe



  • Kristian Hernandez
    Member of Demoratic Socialists of America’s National, Political Committee
  • Matthew N. Lyons
    Author of Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire
  • Kazembe Balagun
    Project manager at Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation and BLM activist
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