Italian Election, What Next?

Online Discussion


The Media Alliance and transform! italia are hosting a public meeting to discuss the outcome of the Italian elections and its consequences.


The Italian elections represented an important step in a political phase between war, pandemic, energy crisis and environmental crisis. A transition both for internal events, with the end of the Mario Draghi government and the first woman to run for prime minister, and in the European context, the victory of the right, could mean a new order in the balance of power and the resistance of Ursula Von der Lyen’s leadership.

This event offers the platform to discuss what is the background of this election and what the prospects that the shift to the right of the Italian political axis will produce in the country and in Europe.

Monday, 3 Oct 2022
16:30 (CET)


Loris Caruso, sociologist, professor at Bergamo University


Roberto Morea, facilitator at transform! europe

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