Lives And Territories

International Conference


Bizkaia Aretoa – UPV/EHU


transform! europe supports this international conference to create a space for reflection, discussion and to share the community experiences of development and social transformation of the Basque Country, to face the challenges of globalisation.


We are facing colossal challenges. Our societies are complex. The toolbox of liberal democracy is depleted, unable to find effective answers to the complex challenges it faces. We need to activate each and every community resource, aimed at a positive feedback loop between the institutions and civil society initiative, if we are to be able to confront the main challenges we face.
We have a rich tapestry of community experiences of development and social transformation in the Basque Country; these combine Udalgintza (Town council work), local development and the transformative economy. However, their practice and know-how have not been systematised
and, therefore, they haven’t been properly shared yet. At this international conference, we shall open up a collective space for reflection, in order to seek answers to the following questions:

• Which long-term outlook is required?
• Which institutionalisation model?
• Which material resources and property models, in order to achieve the above?
• Based on which values and principles?



Please find the invitation and the programme on the right (pdf);



Please find the registration form here;

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