Making the Case for a Left Industrial and Investment Policy for Europe

European Workshop on Productive Transformation

Venue: Espace Niemeyer
2, Place du Colonel Fabien
75019 Paris

Together with its interdisciplinary Working Group on Industry, transform! in cooperation with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation will hold a European Workshop dedicated to the characteristics of a Left Industrial and Investment Policy contributing to the social, ecological and democratic transformation of Europe.


The workshop aims at addressing a wide range of issues related to the European crisis and the exit strategy – such as the current recovery plans being discussed, the trade unions’ alternative proposals, the core aspects of a Left Industrial and Investment Policy –, but also at setting-up a permanent working process providing solid outcomes that could be of use for the European Left.

transform! plans on inviting representatives of the political Left, economists, unionists, as well as project officers from foundations and members of the transform! europe network.

Confirmed Participants : Josef Baum, Joachim Bischoff, Alexis Charitsis, Gabriel Colletis, Bernard Devert, Marc Delepouve, Matteo Gaddi, Francesco Garibaldo, Elisabeth Gauthier, Jürgen Klute, Jean-Christophe Le Duigou, Bernard Marx, David Meienreis, Theofanis Papageorgiou, Heikki Patomäki, Christian Pilichowski, Sigfrido Ramirez, Jean-Claude Simon, Véronique Sandoval, Dimitri Zurstrassen

For further information please contact Maxime Benatouil:


Monday, 8 December


2pm – 4:30pm

European Integration and Industry, a Complex Relationship.

Critical assessment of the European Commission Initiatives in the aftermath of the crisis – from the “European Industrial Renaissance” to the Juncker’s Plan.


4:30pm – 5pm: coffee break


5pm – 8pm

Key Features of a Left Industrial and Investment Policy: Cooperation against Asymmetries

Critical assessment of the existing alternative plans (DGB, ETUC, IndustriAll).

Elements of the Productive, Social, Ecological and Democratic Transformation of Europe


8pm: collective dinner


Tuesday, 9 December


10am – 1pm

Discussion on the joint text: modifications / amendments

Next working steps

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