“More Alternatives to Growth”

International Conference

Lager, Post og Service
Peter Ipsens Alle 27
2400 Copenhagen NV

Registration until 10 March via email: transform.denmark@gmail.com

(please indicate if you have special food requirements)

Participation fee: 100 DKK (to cover food – paid in cash at the entrance)

Conference language: English

Transform!Danmark has existed for around two years and this is the third international conference organized by the network, continuing its work to help develop left alternatives.


The conference in March will continue the topic of the conference last year, “Alternatives to Growth”. At the 2013 conference the focus was on ecological and equitable alternatives to environmental and mainstream economy and thinking in order to further the understanding for the need to break the neoliberal Capitalist logic and to promote systemic transformation. 

At this year’s conference we wish to present and discuss concrete political and practical responses to the perspective for alternatives to growth.  We will include a discussion on Ecosocialism, with a specific focus on the food, land and water issues.

Organisers: Transform!Danmark in cooperation with the transform! europe network, and supported by Enhedslisten/the Red­‐Green Alliance, Grobund (left educational association), NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark as well as the leftwing magazines Det Ny Clarté, Solidaritet, Kritisk Debat and Socialistisk Information.


9:30 Registration and coffee/tea and croissants

10:00-10:15 Welcome


10:15-11:00 Walden Bello (Author and Member of the Philippines’ House of Representatives, representing Akbayan): Deglobalization is perhaps more relevant than ever in a world where neoliberalism and corporate-driven globalization have plunged the world into a very deep crisis and people are groping for alternatives that would meet human needs and values instead of the needs of Capital, (related to afternoon workshop 1). 

11:00-11:45 Anabela Lemos (JAJusticaAmbiental, Friends of the Earth Mozambique): How foreign investments in Africa’s land are undermining environmental justice and food sovereignty. (Related to afternoon workshop 2)

11:45-12:30 Tom Kuchartz (Ecologistas en Acción, Spain): The Alternative Trade Mandate, a proposal to make international trade and investment policy work for people and the planet, not just the profit interests of a few(related to afternoon workshop 3)


12:30-13:30 Lunch


13:30-14:30 Parallel workshops on the economic and social structures and the substance of the alternatives in relation to:

1) Alternatives to the misuse of the Land, Water and Nature.

2) Land-use issues, land-grabbing and land reforms;

3) Free Trade as destructive force against alternatives to growth;


14:30-15:00 Coffee/tea and cake


Experiences of environmental-social integration pointing to practical political solutions:

15:00-15:45Corinne Morel Darleux (National Secretary in charge of Ecosocialism and Regional Councellor, Parti de Gauche, France): Ecological planning as penetrating theme in local, regional and national election campaigns and political programs

15:45-16:00: Maria Gjerding (Environmental Secretary in the Parliament for the Red-Green Alliance and candidate for Parliament, Denmark): Reflections on possibilities to influence national policies towards ecological socialism and de-growth

16:00-16:15 Trine Henriksen (City Councillor in Gladsaxe, Red-Green Alliance, Denmark): Reflections on possibilities to influence local policies from a radical environmental position

16:15-16.30 Teppo Eskelinen (Left Forum, Finland, affiliated to transform!europe):Some findings of a project on eco-socialist transformations and the possibilities and limits of green keynesianism.

16:30-18:00 Panel, discussionand short round-up


More detailed information concerning speakers and their contributions soon at: www.transformdanmark.dk

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