Radical Perspectives on European Union’s Studies

Conference of the Working Group Transform! Brussels , Friday, 9 December 2011, 12 – 21h

AIM: The European Union is in deep crisis and transformation at a very quick pace since the starting of the Great Recession. However, European integration was already in a very difficult situation before it, due to long-term internal and international dynamics since at least the failed Constitutional Treaty. The aim of this conference is to bring together scholars specialised in European Union studies working from different perspectives but who share a common critical instance to the existing EU. In order to generate alternative thinking and political dialogue Transform have asked researchers from various political foundations from different European countries to discuss the presentation made by these scholars.

FORMAT AND PUBLIC: The panels will be chaired by Transform! Brussels members, who are in charge of elaborating a synthesis of the debate which will be framed by the presenters and the discussants. We expect as public mainly the members of Transform who will be in Brussels that day in order to meet the European Left, trade unionists and social movements.


12-12:30 Introduction by Sigfrido Ramírez (Coordinators of Transform! Brussels)

12:30-13:45 Historical interpretation(s)
Chair: Douglas Voigt (Transform! Brussels
Speaker: Magnus Ryner (University Oxford Brooks)
Discussant: Lutz Bransch (Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, Berlin)

13:45-14:10 Coffee and sandwich (available since 12:00) break

14:10-15:25 Legal and Constitutional perspectives
Chair: Stefano Panozzo (Transform! Brussels)
Speaker: Adoración Guaman (University of Valencia)
Discussant: Thierry Leguay (Parlamentary Assistant, GUE-NGL)

15:25-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-17:00 Economic Perspectives
Chair: Raffaele Fargioli (Transform! Brussels)
Speaker: Jean-Christophe Defraigne (Saint-Louis-UCL Louvain-la Neuve)
Discussant: Haris Golemis (Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athens)

17:00-17:15 Coffee Break

17:15-18:30 Future perspectives
Chair: Nicolás D’Amico (Transform! Brussels)
Speaker: Alfonso Gianni (Director Sutdy Centre Cercare Ancora, Roma)
Discussant: Walter Baier (Coordinator Tranform ! Europe, Vienna)

18:30-19:00 Conclusions

19:00-20:00 Buffet-dinner

Information and registration: wgbrussels@transform-network.net

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