Reset Europe: Go left – transform! europe at the 6th EL Congress

Congress of the Party of the European Left


Hotel Alay

Av. Alay, 5

29630 Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain

transform! europe invites to a reception, will conduct a social science survey among the delegates and will be present with a stall.


The Party of the European Left (PEL) will hold its sixth congress in the Spanish town of Benalmádena, near Málaga. The event will take place between 13 and 15 December and bring together over 400 delegates representing 25 political parties from more than twenty European countries.

The congress will coincide with the investiture of the new Spanish government, in which Unidas Podemos will form part. Izquierda Unida, one of the principal forces behind the Spanish left alliance, is a founding member of the PEL. This timing also provides an opportunity to celebrate a major victory for the left in Spain and in Europe.

The gathering is organised around the slogan Reset Europe, Go Left, underlining the motivation to relaunch an alternative programme for Europe. A green transition, genuine equality and international solidarity will be central to the organisation’s vision over the next three years.

Izquierda Unida and the Spanish Communist Party will host the conference, which will be attended by the leaders of a wide range of left-wing political parties from across Europe.

Parties represented will include SYRIZA, Die LINKE, Refondazione Comunista and Bloco de Esquerda as well as the communist parties of Austria, Finland, France and Moldova, and left parties and alliances from Belarus, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Luxemburg, Czechia, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey and Hungary.

The PEL was founded in 2004 in Rome. Since the founding congress, the pan-European grouping has held five congresses in Athens (2005), Prague (2007), Paris (2010), Madrid (2013) and Berlin (2016), where it elected its current president, Gregor Gysi, from Die LINKE.

For further information, interview requests and credentials for the congress, please email


Invitation to the transform! Reception

Saturday, 14 December 2016

9.45 pm, Hotel Alay – Gatazul Restaurant
transform! gives an outlook to the yearbook 2020: Europe in the Brave New World (with contributions by Silvia Federici, David Harvey, Göran Therborn and many others)

Survey on the European Left Party


Data, Profiles, Personal Values and Views of Delegates at the 6th EL Congress 2019

In continuation of the project initiated at the Paris 2010 Congress, followed up in 2013 in Madrid and 2016 Berlin, transform! will, together with the Europe of Citizens Foundation, conduct a social science survey among the delegates and participants. The results of the survey of 2010, 2013 and 2016 can be found at the publications section of the transform! website.

You are kindly requested to fill in the questionnaire (it takes about 20 minutes), which would be very helpful for our common future analysis. The questionnaire is available in BG, CZ, EN, ESP, FR, GER, GR, HU, IT, PT, RU. Please submit it to the comrades at the stall.


transform! Stall

Visit our stall and have a look at our latest publications and a chat with our delegates.



Draft agenda

Fri, DECEMBER 13, 2019

12h00 – 14h00 Meeting of Women

14.00 Welcome/Registration
16.00 Opening: welcome
Presentation Political Document and Evaluation & Evolution
Presentation Documents of working groups and networks
Debate on the Political Document and Evaluation & Evolution
Intervention of EL President, Gregor Gysi

21.00 Dinner

Sat, DECEMBER 14, 2019

09.00 Intervention of Delegations
Report of Treasurer

14.00 Lunch

15.30 Report Statutes
Adoption Statutes
Election president Statutes Commission
Adoption of Political Document
Report of Auditors
Adoption of Auditors report
Election of Audit group

21.45 transform! europe reception

Sun, DECEMBER 15, 2019

09.00 Adoption of motions
Adoption of Evaluation & Evolution document
Election new EL Presidency
Ratification of enlargement
Welcoming of new parties/movements joining the EL
Adoption and Presentation of new Executive Board and treasurer

12.30 Closing by new EL Presidency

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