The Militarisation of Space – Comic Call. An Imaginary Conversation with Alien Musk

Call for Submissions (deadline: 1 June 2022)

This call is part of the Peace Summit – No to NATO! Madrid 2022 efforts, supported by transform! europe.


What would it be like to talk to Alien Musk in one comic page? What kind of conversation would you have with him about the militarization of space and its consequences?

In this call we invite you to talk to Alien Musk: a possible or probable character who believes that the galaxy is his to colonize with satellites, space junk and deadly weapons, all for the benefit of his evil companies. If this were real, it would be a scandal, wouldn’t it?
We invite you to imagine from dystopia, utopia, humor and critical thinking about the limits of war. The only constraint is the use of the comics medium.

The exhibition will be hosted on the Peace Summit website and distributed as a digital catalogue, with all credits given to the participating artists. The comics will be made available to everyone organizing anti-NATO actions, exhibitions, conferences and campaigns.

After all, art, like land, belongs to those who labour on it – it belongs to the peoples who work for peace everywhere in the World. We welcome you, as artists, to cultivate a practice and spirit of internationalism by creating solidarity art in service of people’s movements and struggles against war.

How to participate?

Information: Title of work, full name, country, organization (optional), social media handles (optional).
Submission format: One page (proportional to DIN system) with square vignettes in .tiff format and 300dpi – no watermarks.

Deadline: Wednesday, 1 June 2022
Submission: peacesummitmadrid[at]

No matter the technique used for the comic. No need to be a comic artist to participate! We will not select works based on technical skills. Everyone is welcome to participate!

If you want some inspiration:

Gil Scott-Heron – Whitey On the Moon (Official Audio)

If you want to know more about this dystopia:

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