The State of the EU Crisis – the Urgency of Alternatives

Workshop of transform! europe, in cooperation with the European Left party

Find the bibliography on the right.



Confédération des syndicats chrétiens de Belgique (CSC)

rue Pletinckx 19 – 1000 Brussels

Languages: English – French




8 December 2011, 10:30 – 18:30

  • The state of the EU crisis after he October summit, the consequences of undermining democracy and growing “oligarchisation”, the possible scenarios (10h30 – 13h)
  • What Left policy facing the power and the EU bank crisis? How to invent a new system of credit to finance the real economy and acting for the public interest? What immediate alternative measures ? (14h – 16h)
  • Can we design a European New Deal in the 21st century? What convergences and common bases for solidarity political struggles in Europe – on the brink of explosion, marked by strong contradictions and asymmetries? What initiatives in order to answer the immediate challenge for the Left (16h30 – 18h30)

9 December 2011, 9:00 – 12:00

Evaluation of the workshop which focus for our activities (crisis project) in 2012 / 2013

40 participants from 14 countries: economists / specialists from different countries; MEPs of the GUE/NGL, representatives of the European Left Party, of European networks and of Transform! member organisations

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