Theories, Practices and Conflicts about Human Emancipation 1789-2012

Venue: Université de Lausanne
More information: here (in French only)

International Conference at the University of Lausanne, 25-27 October 2012



Theme and target of the conference

At the center of the conference Emancipytory Thought is the need to understand the logic of capitalism, to formulate a comprehensive critique and to theorize the contours of an alternative by deepening the confrontation and cooperation between various theories and critical or revolutionary practices. The crisis that erupted in 2007-2008 put these questions on the front of the stage and made them more than legitimate.

Call for Papers

A call for papers for the conference was published in spring 2012 and met with a strong response. The list of panels and speakers is now closed. With 42 panels, almost 140 speakers and 2 selected plenaries, the conference promises to be very multifarious, dense and interesting.

For further information, questions or comments:


Find the programme here (pdf, in French only)

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