transform! europe Annual General Meeting Vienna, 17-18 September 2010

On 17-18 September 2010, transform! europe will have its General Meeting in Vienna which will start on Friday at 1 pm and end on Saturday at 6 pm.

The representatives of the member organisations, the observers as well as invited guests are taking part. transform! europe can cover the travel expenses and expenses for accommodation for 1 delegate each. As regards registration and technical information we ask you to contact the office of transform! europe in Vienna:


Agenda (Draft)

1. Opening

– Acknowledgement of the quorum

– Acknowledgement of the agenda

2. Decisions on applications for membership and observer status

3. Reports

– transform!’s major projects

– Major activities and organisational


4. Work schedule for 2011

– European projects

– Projects in cooperation with our members and observers

– Projects in the CEE

5. The magazine and the other media activities of transform! europe

– Web site relaunch

– Restructuring of the editorial work of the magazine

6. Financial statement and discharge from liability

7. Budget guidelines for 2011

8. Election of the new management board

9. transform!’s agenda for autumn

10. Miscellaneous

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