“What Can Europe Do to Help Build Peace in Ukraine?”


Mirador Theatre
Calle del Dr. Fourquet 31
28012 Madrid

International experts will analyse Europe’s role in building peace in Ukraine on Tuesday 21 February in the Mirador Theatre in Madrid, at the event “What can Europe do to build peace in Ukraine?” organised by the newspaper Público and the Fundación Espacio Público. Co-President of transform! europe, Marga Ferré will also participate in the debate.


This debate aims to put forward proposals for the necessary construction of peace in Ukraine, to avoid a real confrontation between blocs and to contribute to peaceful coexistence in an increasingly complex world.

The reflections of Público (spanish indepentend and critical newspaper) and Espacio Público (independent think tank) in this conference will include such difficult questions as what it means to be a pacifist in today’s Europe, how the Spanish Left positions itself in the face of this war and how to avoid more pain and suffering. The solution is a political one, and the way to achieve peace is through dialogue, not through war.

The event will bring together experts such as:

  • Inna Afinogenova, russian journalist, who has been living in Spain since the beginning of the conflict;
  • Marga Ferré, Co-President of transform! europe
  • Juan Antonio Sanz, Público contributor, former correspondent in Russia, the former Soviet republics, Japan and Korea, and expert on geopolitics and global security
  • Jordi Calvo, economist and researcher, coordinator of the Centre Delàs and member of the Board of the International Peace Bureau.

The round table will be chaired by Público’s deputy director and international affairs expert, Esther Rebollo. The opening speech will be given by the journalist from the Fundación Espacio Público, Marià de Delàs, and the closing speech will be given by the director of Público, Virginia Pérez Alonso.

Interpretation: Spanish

The event will take place on 21 Tuesday at 19:30 at the Mirador Theatre in Madrid.
Click here for further information.

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