A Green New Deal for Europe – Opportunities and Challenges. EuroMemo 2020

Given its urgency, this year’s EuroMemorandum puts special emphasis on the climate crisis and other planetary boundaries. In tandem with deepening social inequalities, renascent authoritarian nationalisms and the crisis of global governance, they urgently need comprehensive and effective policy responses…


The EuroMemorandum 2020 critically analyses recent economic developments in Europe against this background and makes the case for a properly designed and sufficiently funded Green New Deal as the most promising way to tackle climate change in the short to medium term. Such a Green New Deal is understood as a political compact to combine massive investment for ecological conversion with an agenda of social inclusion. In contrast to proposals such as from DiEM 25 and progressive US democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the European Green Deal proposed by the new European Commission falls however short of effectively addressing the current challenges. While a progressive Green New Deal could be a first step to get a more comprehensive and long-term trajectory of socio-ecological transformation off the ground, ultimately the expansionist dynamics of capitalism need to be overcome.

More than 220 economists and social scientists from all over Europe and beyond have declared their support for the new EuroMemorandum (click here for the list of signatories).

The EuroMemorandum is edited by the group European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy (EuroMemo Group) and is supported by more than 250 economists and social scientists from all over Europe.

As in previous years the full version and the summary will soon be available in other languages too.

As in past years, transform! europe supports the EuroMemo Group in producing the printed versions of EuroMemorandum.

Find the EuroMemo for download on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English, PDF);



1. EU macroeconomic policies and climate change
2. Climate change, urban and agricultural policies
3. Labour market and social policies
4. Implications of the digital economy for Europe
5. Legal obstacles to socio-ecological transition
Contact information of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group
List of signatories

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