Implications of COVID-19 on Women Workers in the Service Sector. A Special Focus on Spain


Due to the inequalities in European societies such as the gender gap and the low value placed on care work, women have been hit specifically hard by the pandemic. This study focuses on the effects of the pandemic on women workers in the service sector in one of the most affected European countries, Spain.


Please find the ePaper on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English, PDF).

The virus affects women and men differently. On the one side, there is a higher mortality rate among men, on the other side, women have been particularly affected for three crucial reasons: 1) The greater presence of women in the health care branch, 2) over-exposure to domestic violence, and 3) the major presence of women in the service sector;
The study focuses on the latter and examines how the living and working conditions of women workers in the service sector have been changed, and how they have experienced and interpreted these changes.

Table of contents

1. Introduction
2. Pandemic and working women: old and new dilemmas
3. The changing living and working conditions of women employed in the service sector
4. Solidarity networks and collective mobilizations
5. Measures taken by the regional government to deal with the crisis
6. Conclusions
7. References
8. Appendix
9. Biographies

For futher reading:

Implications of COVID-19 on Women Workers in the Service Sector. A Special Focus on Italy, Tania Toffanin

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