Prospects For A Popular Political Economy in Europe. EuroMemo 2019

EuroMemo 2019

As in past years, transform! europe supports the EuroMemo Group in producing the printed versions of EuroMemorandum.


Against the background of an increasingly alarming influence of right-wing nationalist and populist forces, the EuroMemo Group wants to facilitate discussion on progressive ideas, concepts and policies, on how to reconstruct a political integration project in Europe that is responsive to the economic and social needs of all groups and people affected by the severe economic crisis of the last ten years, and in particular of workers, the unemployed, the precariat, migrants and other vulnerable groups, also in a gender perspective.

The EuroMemorandum is edited by the group European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy (EuroMemo Group) and is supported by more than 250 economists and social scientists from all over Europe.

Find the EuroMemo for download on the left/below (mobile version) in ‘Documents’ (English, PDF).

For ordering the printed brochure, please contact:




Introduction: deepening divergence

1 Macroeconomic policies and EMU reform: a weakening economy
Excursus: Politics of structural reforms
2 Monetary and financial policies: the failure of financial integration
3 The productive structure of the EU and the need for sort and medium term transformation
4 Socialpolicies in the EU and the Nordic welfare model
5 Authoritarian populism and the challenge of reconstructing a popular political economy for the EU Contact information of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group
List of signatories (as of 16 February 2019)
Declaration of support

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