The Militarisation of the European Union


Since the Brexit decision, the only political project that the neoliberal elites in the EU and its member states are pursuing is the multidimensional militarisation of the EU. In this situation, transform! europe has gathered a collective of authors to stimulate discussion among European left parties and movements about this daring development.


In September 2018 Trump has announced that he wanted to withdraw from the 1987 INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces). In October 2018, 50,000 soldiers started the combat phase of NATO’s biggest military war game since the Cold War only one month after Russia had invited China to take part in its biggest manoeuvre since the end of the Cold War with an incredible 300,000 soldiers. What is the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the European Union, doing in such daring circumstances? Since the Brexit decision, the only political project that the neoliberal elites in the EU and its member states are pursuing is the multidimensional militarisation of the EU. In this situation, transform! europe has gathered a collective of authors to write a small brochure to stimulate discussion among European left parties and movements about the current militarisation of the European Union.

In the name of the writers’ collective, I wish you an interesting and stimulating read.

Roland Kulke


Roland Kulke, transform! europe (ed.), The Militarisation of the European Union. Questions for a 21st Century Left Security Concept. Vienna 2018.


Find the brochure for download on the right (PDF; English, German, Spanish, French).

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Table Of Contents

1. Roland Kulke, Preface
2. Walter Baier, It’s Not Only a Battle of Ideas
3. Erhard Crome, Areas of tension in Europe
4. Ines Mahmoud and Katerina Anastasiou, Authoritarianism and militarisation
5. Bruno Montesano, European migration policies and xenophobic pressure
6. Panos Trigazis, Instead of a Summary: Peaceful and Peace-loving Europe

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