¡No pasarán! 2022 International Conference

Over the last decade, the rise of the far right has accelerated globally, in its biggest upsurge since the 1930s. It takes many different forms, but it presents a real threat to our democracy and diverse communities wherever it is found. From street attacks and mobilisations to government office, they use Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and racism to spread hate and fear. They attack trade unionists and the left, and the rights and liberties of us all; the onslaught on women’s rights, in particular, has been severe. They used ‘lawfare’ and coups to overthrow legitimate governments and exclude left candidates. Their increasing paramilitary orientation, fake news and anti-fact approach presents an enormous challenge, particularly during the pandemic. The far right has weaponised the pandemic in its own political interests, and  the economic crisis that is running alongside the virus is being exploited by the far right to build its social and political base. But there are victories too, where the people mobilise for a different vision of society and defeat the hate and fear. We must build that alternative together.

Organised by the Party of the European Left, Die LINKE, and transform!europe.

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Opening session: Our shared struggle against the far right

Introduction and moderation:

  • Fabian Figueiredo, Co-Coordinator of the Working Group Fighting the Far Right of the Party of the European Left (EL), Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal


  • Janine Wissler, Co-Chairwoman, Die LINKE, Germany
  • Sira Rego, Izquierda Unida (IU) MEP, The Left Group in the European Parliament, Spain
  • Cecília Honório, initiator of the Portuguese Observatory of the Far Right, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal
  • Danièle Obono, MP France Insoumise, France
  • Dáire Hughes, Sinn Féin Deputy General Secretary (Leas Ard Runaí)

Workshop: How the far right is organising: attacking our rights, dividing our communities

  • Oliver Schröder, Die LINKE MEP, The Left Group in the European Parliament, Germany


  • Esther Lynch, Deputy General Secretary of the European Confederation of Trade Unions (ETUC), Ireland
  • Alice Bernard, Member of the Parliament of Wallonia, Member of the National Council of the PTB, Belgium, CGIL Deputy General Secretary, Italy, CGIL Deputy General Secretary, Italy
  • Gianna Fracassi, CGIL Deputy General Secretary, Italy
  • Yann Mompoint, LGBTQI+ Militant of the Communist French Party

Workshop: Against Fortress Europe

Introduction and moderation:

  • Seema Syeda, Comms & Campaigns Officer for Another Europe Is Possible, Britain


  • Jarmila Rybnicka, sociologist and activist, Kuchnia Konfliktu, Poland
  • Dariush Beigui, captain of the rescue ship Iuventa, Germany
  • Cornelia Ernst, DIE LINKE MEP, The Left Group in the European Parliament, Germany
  • Lucy Nganga, International Women Space, Germany
  • Muhammad Al Kashef, Watch the Med Alarmphone – Abolish Frontex, Egypt

Workshop: Authoritarian racism and radicalised conservatism

Introduction and moderation:


  • Ugo Paletha, sociologist and co-director of the review Contretemps, France
  • Asli Aydin, EL Executive Board member, SOL Party, Turkey
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