The Peoples’ Summit of Cochabamba

Special edition transform! journal 5a/2010 in English/Español

The social, political and ecological economic crisis we are undergoing, is in fact a crisis of capitalism. Following the human and ecological destruction, its utility for the general interest of society is therefore more and more questioned. It is certain than never that the financing of capitalism separates real economy from the financing sector as a whole, thus revealing its many dangers to human societies. Therefore it is high time that all the exploited and oppressed unite as an opposing force. The question of economic power for whom and for what is asked in companies but also at the level of governments, states, regional powers such as the European Union or ALBA …and not to forget the worldwide institutions. Faced with these challenges the progressive movement as a whole is experimenting alternatives together with governments, which serve better to the needs of people (especially in Latin America); by democratic alternatives within the global justice movement (through social forums and social networks deriving from these forums); through a multitude of strikes resisting against relocations and dismissals by almighty employers. These experiences lead to a general demand for unifying the efforts of the many different movements, working together with the oppressed for socially and ecologically sound alternatives. The peoples’ summit of Cochabamba is a big step into this direction, since it brings together social movements, governments, progressive political forces and scientists.

The target is already stated in the invitation: “in this meeting we will focus on initiatives that ensure the realisation of a global referendum on climate change and the creation of an International Court of Justice, which penalizes countries violating humanity. Defending the rights of Mother Earth is defending the rights of humanity.” (Evo Morales) By its primary appeal to the peoples of all communities and by its aim for the reappropriation of the social and ecological matter, the peoples’ summit in Cochabamba should mark a turning point for all progressive movements in the world.

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