21st Annual Conference of the EuroMemo Group

Addressing Europe’s Multiple Crises: An agenda for economic transformation, solidarity and democracy.


This year’s EuroMemo Group conference will be jointly hosted with the Department of Society and Globalisation and the Global Dynamics initiative at Roskilde University.

The European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe (EuroMemo Group) is a network of European economists committed to promoting full employment with good work, social justice with an eradication of poverty and social exclusion, ecological sustainability, and international solidarity. The group was founded in 1995, and includes participants from a wide range of European countries. It holds an annual conference and publishes an annual Memorandum which provides a critical analysis of recent developments in the European Union and is available in several European languages.

As in past years, transform! will take on the responsibility for the production of the printed versions of EuroMemomemorandum in English, French, and German. For the 2015 edition click here.


We would like to invite you to attend the conference and to submit proposals for contributions to the workshops. Please find attached details on the topics. Proposals for papers together with a short abstract (maximum 250 words) should be submitted by 1 July. Please indicate the workshop which the proposal is intended for. If accepted, completed papers should be submitted by 1 September so that they can be read before the conference.

We strongly encourage participants to submit short papers (10-12 pages) and to explicitly address policy implications.

If you would like to participate in the workshop, please copy the registration form below into an email and reply by the 1 July 2015 to info@euromemo.eu indicating:

  • That you would like to participate, and
  • Whether you wish to offer a paper for one of the workshops.

Please note that there will be a conference fee collected at the venue to cover the cost of the conference (20 Euro/ 10 Euro for students/ 50 Euro for participants with institutional support).

An information sheet with details about hotel bookings is attached. Early booking is strongly recommended.

We look forward to seeing you in Roskilde!

Best wishes from the EuroMemo Group: Marija Bartl, Joachim Becker, Marcella Corsi, Wlodzimierz Dymarski, Trevor Evans, Marica Frangakis, John Grahl, Peter Herrmann, Jeremy Leaman, Jacques Mazier, Mahmood Messkoub, Ronen O’Brien, Werner Raza, Catherine Sifakis, Achim Truger, Frieder Otto Wolf


Please copy the registration form below into an email and reply by 1 July 2015 to info@euromemo.eu indicating:

Yes, I intend to participate in the 21st Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe (24-26 September 2015 in Roskilde)

First Name:

Last Name:





Yes, I wish to contribute a paper

Title of the Paper:

For the Friday-morning Workshop on:

Abstract (max. 250 words):


Thursday, 24 September 2015

15.00 – 18.30 (Registration at 14.30)

– Opening & welcome: Jesper Jespersen (Roskilde University)
– Political State of the Union: László Andor (former EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) (tbc)
– Economic State of the Union: Gary Dymski (Leeds University Business School)
– The Role of Social movements in the crisis: Laura Horn (Roskilde University)


Friday, 25 September 2015

9.00 – 13.00: Workshops (details on the topics on the right)

I. Macroeconomic policies (coordinator: Achim Truger)
II. A critical assessment of the project of European Monetary Union (coordinator: Trevor Evans)
III. Labour markets, demographic change and migration (coordinator: Marcella Corsi and Mahmoud Messkoub)
IV. Youth unemployment, precarity and poverty (coordinator: John Grahl)
V. EU external relations and the new trade agenda (coordinators: Ronan O’Brien and Catherine Sifakis)

13.00 – 14.00: Lunch

14.00 – 15.45: Plenary on policy proposals from workshops

16.15 – 18.00: Special Plenary “The Economics of the European Constitution: Locking in Austerity”
Agustín José Menéndez (Department of Public Law, University of Léon, Spain)
Magnus Ryner (Department of European and International Studies, King’s College London)


Saturday, 26 September 2015


Planning meeting: EuroMemorandum 2016 and other activities

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