2nd Conference on “Alternatives to the rise of the far Right in times of economic, social and ecological crises”

Organized by the Prague Spring II Network against right wing extremism and populism within the framework of the ESF process, at the National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’.

The Prague Spring II Network against right wing extremism and populism was constituted during a Conference on the same subject in Prague, March 2010, where delegates from 18 countries from the East and West of Europe decided to coordinate their thoughts and actions to counteract the rise of right wing extremism and populism. In the meantime a lot of activities have developed, but there is a need for more and better conceived action.

Also this time we invite everybody interested in finding a systematic answer to the attacks of governments and corporate capital against workers rights and social security by struggling against the false alternatives of fascism and right wing populism, to take part in the conference.

With the support of several foundations of the European Left the international organizing committee can guarantee the reimbursement of 70pc of train or bus fares for all participants from Eastern Europe who are in need as well as for Ukrainians who live outside Kiev. Our Ukrainian hosts will also do their best to get free or cheap accommodation for everybody who needs it.


If you are willing to attend the conference all you have to do is to complete the form:


or write an e-mail to: muratova.maria@gmail.com

before Wednesday, October 12th, 2011.


For the Prague Spring II Network against right wing extremism and populism:

Matyias Benek (ATTAC – Hungary)

Walter Baier (Transform! Europe)

Tord Bjork (Friends of the Earth – Sweden)

Hermann Dworczak (Austrian Social Forum)

Dr. Leo Gabriel (World Social Forum)

Igor Gotlib (Alternativy – Russia)

Maria Muratova (Borotba Ukraine), Nina Potarska (Ukraine)

Mirek Prokes (Friends of Nature – Cech Republic)


The conference will comprise the following topics which will be dealt with during the panel discussions from Friday, November 11th in the evening to Sunday 13th at noon:

1. Neoliberalism crisis as the root of the growth of far-rights

– it is the crisis of neoliberal model which made parts of the ruling classes turn far-right searching for a solution.

– it is the crisis of neoliberal model which made parts of the masses believe into far-right demagogies (especially its social side).

– it is the crisis of neoliberal model which made far-right use social rhetoric as an occasion for expressing their nationalistic-racist-fascist program itself.

– the crisis of neoliberal model actualizes left social-economic concept, which answers the same questions as the social rhetoric of far-rightists, but produces a true response, gives a real alternative.

– what this alternative should be and how to communicate it to the people amid social and economic crisis

2. Political answer to the rise of right-wing populism and right-wing extremism

– Social inclusion of far-rightists and their entrance into political level

– Far-right parties becoming the main body of the ruling class in the number of countries

– The possible political answer to the growth of far-rightists

– Political perspectives of left internationalists in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe> Examples of successes and failures.

3. Right-wing populism in the fields of education and culture.

– relationship between right-wing and religion.

– the bogey of Islamic threat.

– state policy of anticommunism as a catalyst for the rise of the far right.

– domestic fascism.

– ways of overcoming the far right cultural hegemony.

4. Right-wing populism in the context of global ecological crisis

5. Answer to right-wing extremism “on the streets”

– violence of the far-right on the streets

– “street” anti-fascists and communication problems with political anti-fascism

– fascism in the stadiums

– rights protection problems of anti-fascist activists

– solidarity support of anti-fascist movement activists

6. International cooperation against the far right

-exchange of infos; elaborate our alternatives; common website/s; common – international- mobilizations

– Development of solidarity networks in Central and Eastern Europe

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