4th International Marxist-Feminist Conference

Online Conference

The conference provides theoretical debates, case studies based on examples of struggle and resistance, as well as a plenary seccion on the Thirteen Theses of Marxism-Feminism with Frigga Haug and other Marxist feminists. Watch here the full recordings.


The idea of an international Marxist feminist conference was originally brought into being, and was since then continuously organised, by the feminist section of the Berliner Institut of Critical Theory (InkriT) around the German sociologist and philosopher Frigga Haug. It was held in Berlin (Germany) for the first time in 2015, followed by an increasingly international second conference in Vienna in 2016, and the third one in Lund (Sweden) in 2018.

The 4th International Marxist-Feminist Conference is organised by transform! europe and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), along with Iratzar Foundation, Bilbo-Barcelona Critical Theory Group (BIBA CT), Berliner Institut für Kritische Theorie (InkriT), Roxa-Luxemburg-Foundation and ParteHartuz.

For further reading:


Thursday, 11 November

17:00 – 18:30 (CET): Plenary 1: Feminist Movements and strikes in the Basque Country

language: Basque (translation into English and Spanish)


  • Oihana Etxebarrieta


  • Lore Lujanbio
  • Aitziber Aranberri
  • Izaskun Garcia Bordagarai and Iratxe Letona Pasto
  • Josefina Rocco

19:00 – 21:00 (CET): Plenary 2: Challenges and analysis of contemporary Feminism I

language: English (translation into Basque and Spanish)


  • Signe Arnfred


  • Lorena Cabnal
  • Silvia Federici
  • Dilar Dirik

Friday, 12 November

09:30 – 11:30 (CET): Production and Reproduction in the public and the private sphere

language: English



  • Ankica Cakardic
  • Maria Sagmeister
  • Monserrat Galcerán
  • Cristina Catalina Gallego

Knowledge production, difference and vulnerability

language: English


  • Maria Do Mar Castro Varela


  • Saphira Shure
  • Carolina Tamayo Rojas
  • Leila Haghighat
  • Meryem Choukri

The Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) uprisings, the MeToo movement and their challenges to Marxist Feminism

language: English


  • Alanur Çavlin


  • Lara Al-Kateb
  • Kobra Sultani
  • Fatemeh Masjedi
  • Frieda Afary

12:00 – 14:00 (CET): Plenary 3: XIII. Theses of Marxism-Feminism

languages: English, German (translation into Spanish)



  • Frigga Haug
  • Nikita Dhawan
  • Alex Wischnewski
  • Jule Goikoetxea
  • Katja Kipping
  • Maria Do Mar Castro Varela
  • Signe Arnfred

16:00 – 18:00 (CET): Plenary 4: Challenges and analysis of contemporary Feminism II

language: English (translation into Basque and Spanish)


  • Ozgur Gunes Ozturk and Mònica Clua


  • Tithi Bhattacharya
  • Ana Cecilia Dinerstein

18:30 – 20:30 (CET): Plenary 5: Challenges and analysis of contemporary Feminism III

languages: English, French (translation into Basque and Spanish)


  • Irene Pereira


  • Elsa Dorlin
  • Jules Falquet

Saturday, 13 November

09:30 – 11:30 (CET): Mujeres andaluzas que hacen la revolución

language: Spanish


  • Diana Urrea


  • Pastora Filigrana Garcia
  • Soledad Castillero Quesada
  • Virginia Piña Cruz
  • María Montalvez Sánchez

How to become a Feminist Artivist! Art and activism from a feminist perspective

language: English


  • Julia Zdarsky
  • Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki

Praktika feminista erakunde mixtoetan

language: Basque


  • Aiora Epelde


  • Zaloa Perez
  • Elixabete Etxeberria
  • Jone Bengoetxea
  • Ana Mezo

Radiografía del escenario militante en Països Catalans y Euskal Herria

language: Spanish


  • Eraitz Saez de Egilaz


  • Maider Barañano
  • Nadia Pérez
  • Ane Alava Artuch
  • Cesca Gasull
  • Olivia Serra Bassó

12:00 – 14:00 (CET): Interseccionalidad y debates entre corrientes feministas

language: Spanish


  • Itziar Gandarias


  • María Rodó Zarate
  • Despina Paraskeva-Veloudogianni
  • Gaudi Delgado Falcon

Feminist strikes and new resistance

language: English


  • Ibai Atutxa


  • Desirée Enlund
  • Eva Schmitz
  • Camille Robert
  • Ella Petrini

Euskal Langile Andreak (IPES)

language: basque


  • Andrea Heuschmid


  • Oiane Valero
  • Patricia Muñoz
  • Lurdes Rodridguez

16:00 – 18:00 (CET): ¿Cambiar el Estado desde abajo y desde dentro? Experiencias de avances y retos

language: Spanish


  • Arantxa Tirado Sánchez


  • Aleida Hernández Cervantes
  • Sayuri Herrera Román
  • Mylai Burgos Matamoros

La lucha por el Pan y las Rosas: estrategias a debate en un mundo en crisis

language: Spanish


  • Andrea D’Atri
  • Diana Assunção
  • Alejandra Décap
  • Josefina L. Martínez
  • Cynthia Luz Burgueño

Riqueza social desde paradigmas críticos feministas y descoloniales

language: Spanish


  • Ozgur Gunes Ozturk


  • Márgara Millán
  • Diana Fuentes
  • Cintia Martínez
  • Josefa Contreras

Political economy, value and work

language: English


  • Agurtzane Lekuona


  • Elisabeth Zorgetz Loureiro
  • Fathimah Fildzah Izzazi
  • Audrey Laurin-Lamothe
  • Kwon Myoung A

Towards 2022 political actions and mobilisations

language: English


  • Alex Wischnewski


  • Cristina Simó, President of the Women’s Democratic Movement (Spain) and Co-Coordinator of Feminism Working Group of the Party of the European Left
  • Clara Alonso, Executive Secretary of Communication of Izquierda Unida and feminist activist (Spain)
  • Joana Teixeira, activist of the feminist collective “A Colectiva” (Portugal)
  • Kristina Krajnc, program committee member of the Institute of 8th March (Slovenia)
  • Agata Czarnacka, political philosopher, feminist activist and publicist (Poland)

18:30 – 20:30 (CET): Plenary 6: Challenges and analysis of conteporary Feminism VI

languages: English, French (translation into Basque and Spanish)


  • Jule Goikoetxea


  • Ochy Curiel
  • Nancy Fraser

Key Speakers

Tithi Bhattacharya

Tithi Bhattacharya (India, 1971) is a professor of South Asian History and the Director of Global Studies at Purdue University. She received her Ph.D. from the School of Oriental and African Studies(University of London) in 2000. She is the author of The Sentinels of Culture: Class, Education, and the Colonial Intellectual in Bengal (Oxford University Press, 2005). Bhattacharya is a longstanding social justice activist and a prominent Marxist feminist. She writes extensively on Marxist theory, gender, and the politics of Islamophobia.

Lorena Cabnal

Lorena Cabnal (1973), a Maya-Xinka from Guatemala, is an advocate of community feminism. Originally from Santa María Xalapán, Cabnal is the daughter of the Xinca Maya cosmogony and co-founder of the community-territorial feminist movement in Guatemala, the Network of Ancestral Healers of Community Feminism Tzk’at (in Mayan Quiché).

Elsa Dorlin

Elsa Dorlin (France, 1974) is since 2011 Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Paris 8 and, since 2014, a member of the Center for Feminist and Gender Studies at Paris 8. In 2004, she received her doctorate in philosophy from the University of Paris-Sorbonne with the thesis Au chevet de la Nation: sexe, race et médecine: XVIIe-XVIIe siècles. Her studies focus on the intersections between gender, race and other systems of domination.

Silvia Federici

Silvia Federici (Italia, 1942) is Emerita Professor at Hofstra University (USA). She is a feminist activist since 1960 and was one of the main animators of the international debates on the condition and remuneration of domestic work. Her field of research is political philosophy and women’s studies, and she has also contributed various essays on educational and cultural politics. In the 1970s she was a cofounder of the International Feminist Collective. From 1991 to 2003, after a period of teaching at the University of Port Harcourt in Nigeria, she was a co-founder of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa and co-editor of the CAFA Bulletin. From 1995 to 2002 she has also helped found the Anti-death-penalty project of the U.S. based Radical Philosophy Association.

Nancy Fraser

Nancy Fraser (Baltimore, USA, 1947) is the Professor of Philosophy and Politics at the New School for Social Research. She received her Ph.D. in philosophy from the CUNY Graduate Center (USA) in 1980. She works on social and political theory, feminist theory, and contemporary French and German thought. Widely known for her critique of identity politics and her philosophical work on the concept of justice, Fraser is also a staunch critic of contemporary liberal feminism and its abandonment of social justice issues. She is President of the American Philosophical Association (APA) Eastern Division.

Ana Cecilia Dinerstein

Ana Cecilia Dinerstein (Argentina) is a Reader in Sociology, the University of Bath, where she teaches political sociology, social and cognitive justice, Marxism, critical, decolonial and feminist theory. She is a post-disciplinary scholar-activist, member of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives’ core group and the founder and coordinator of the international network Women on the Verge, of the Standing Seminar in Critical theory and of the Decolonizing Knowledge in Teaching, Research and Practice Research Hub/Centre.

Frigga Haug

Frigga Haug (Germany, 1937) is a German socialist-feminist sociologist and philosopher. She studied sociology and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin (Germany). In 1963, she interrupted her studies to move to Cologne and give birth to a daughter, but in 1971 she graduated in sociology, and in 1976 gained a PhD in sociology and social psychology. Haug’s magazine Das Argument grew out of her opposition to nuclear rearmament. In protest at the Vietnam War she joined the Socialist German Student Union (SDS), and she also developed a feminist perspective while she participated in different socialist women’s groups. In 1988 she founded the book imprint Adiadne.

Ochy Curiel

Ochy Curiel (Dominican Republic, 1963) is a theorist, feminist activist and songwriter. Curiel holds a PhD in Social Anthropology and she is a professor and researcher at the National University of  Colombia (UNC) and the Pontifical Xavierian University. She is also a spokesperson for autonomous, lesbian, anti-racist and decolonial feminism as well as she is one of the founders of the Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios, Formación y Acción Feminista (GLEFAS). Curiel has published countless articles on the imbrication between race, sex, sexuality and class in national and international  magazines and books, and she has two books that stand out: La Nación Heterosexual: Análisis del discurso jurídico y el régimen heterosexual desde la antropología de la dominación (2013) and Descolonización y despatriarcalización de y desde los feminismos de Abya Yala (2015).

For further information, click on the website of the MarxFem Conference.

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