5th International Ecosocialist Encounters



This conference will tackle fundamental questions of how, by whom, and to what end ecosocialist initiatives positions can and should be buttressed to be able to stand a chance in the face of today’s historical tasks. Join us!


The three main questions are:

  • Where does power lie today, how can we create the disruption needed, and what opportunities can we seize?;
  • Who are the revolutionaries of ecosocialism who are already mobilised and can be brought into the movement? Who is not there but should be?; and
  • What are the core values, politics, and orientation that would guide the new society we envision and what social and economic organisation does such a society require?

The First International Ecosocialist Encounters took place in 2014 in Switzerland and aimed to indicate a path for overcoming capitalism and stopping climate collapse and the massive pillaging of nature.

The last four encounters have been dedicated to practical and theoretical discussion of what ecosocialism is, the strategies of the left and of environmental and climate justice movements and how they have struggled to overcome the overwhelming hurdles of the multiple crises that capitalism inherently creates. This time, we intend to organise action.


For further information, click here.

To register, click here.


The programme will be available here.

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