Organized by Nicos Poulantzas Institute in cooperation with transform! europe and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
A) Open Event
Monday, 10 November, 7.00 pm
“Applied policies and the concept of ‘commons’: results, experiences and future aims”
– An overall view on the concept of commons
- water as a common good,
- digital common goods.
– Presentation of FLOK project results. Discussing commons transition strategies based on the experience so far in Ecuador.
– General introduction to the importance of the new commons as the basis of an entirely new political economy and the strategies/tactics/priorities to get there.
– Introduction to the real workings of peer production.
B) Coordination of open workshops with grass root groups, research institutions (universities, state research agents), movements etc.
Saturday, 8 November, 12.00 am
“Cooperative economy: implemented international examples and future perspectives in Greece”
Sunday, 9 November, 12.00 am
“Open access to knowledge”