Applied Policies and the Concept of ‘Commons’

Michel Bauwens in Athens

Organized by Nicos Poulantzas Institute in cooperation with transform! europe and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.



A) Open Event

Monday, 10 November, 7.00 pm

“Applied policies and the concept of ‘commons’: results, experiences and future aims”

– An overall view on the concept of commons

  • water as a common good,
  • digital common goods.

– Presentation of FLOK project results. Discussing commons transition strategies based on the experience so far in Ecuador.

– General introduction to the importance of the new commons as the basis of an entirely new political economy and the strategies/tactics/priorities to get there.

– Introduction to the real workings of peer production.


B) Coordination of open workshops with grass root groups, research institutions (universities, state research agents), movements etc.

Saturday, 8 November, 12.00 am

“Cooperative economy: implemented international examples and future perspectives in Greece

Sunday, 9 November, 12.00 am

“Open access to knowledge”

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