Bilbao European Forum

2nd European Forum Of Progressive, Ecological And Leftist Forces


The Bilbao European Forum is open to all forces who wish to debate, build and act together to ward-off current threats and build another future for Europe. Our unity and our cooperation are indispensable.


By continuing to enrich the great interests of finance, neoliberal political leaders who implement the policies of social deregulation and austerity, are plunging Europe further and further into chaos. For the people, the competition and the destruction of social models always result in lower wages, unemployment, precariousness, lower social spending, liberalisation of public services and privatisation. Inequalities are exploding all over Europe. The ecological future of the planet, women’s rights and the future of youth are been sacrificed.

Facing these threats and challenges, urgently strengthening the common work of the left-wing, progressive and ecological forces will give the people a voice.


This is why we are pleased to invite you to the European Forum of Progressive, Ecological and Leftist forces in Bilbao, following the first edition held in Marseille in 2017.


Please find attached the program in detail.


For further information about Bilbao European Forum:


Friday, November 9th

Press Conference
13h Opening of the registration
14h-16h Assembly (Youth)
16h-17h30 Opening session: Build the Forum together
17h30-20h Plenary 1: A new Europe for a new World (migration, peace, international trade)
20h30-23h30 Dinner and tribute to Nelson Mandela

Saturday, November 10th

9h-11h Workshop of the Foundations + GUE/NGL + Municipal level
11h-14h Plenary 2: For a Europe of equality: stop the patriarchy + Assembly (Women)
14h-15h lunch
15h-17h30 Plenary 3: A new solidary economic model to invest in work and social rights
17h30-18h Break
18h-20h30 Plenary 4: Europe in Ecological Transition
21h30-1h Concerts

Sunday, November 11th

9h30-11h30 Assembly (trade union)
11h30-13h30 Conclusion of the plenaries and future of the Forum
13h30-14h Reading of the Final Declaration

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