CANCELLED: How to Combat Climate Warming – Green Capitalism or System Change?

International Conference

HK Københavns lokaler

Svend Aukens Plads 11

2300 Copenhagen S

This to notify you that we have had to cancel the Transform conference on Saturday 14 March due to severe restrictions on meetings and generally imposed by the Danish Prime Minister due to the Corona virus.


The topics of the conference are needed to discuss. We seek to organize alternative public meetings, info and debate.


The climate crisis calls for action. How to achieve concrete and more ambitious goals in climate and environmental policies? Are the measures and goals adopted by governments and institutions more than a greening of Capitalism? And how much can be achieved by green Capitalism?

Transform!Danmark – in cooperation with transform! europe, Enhedslisten/the Red-Green Alliance, Global Action, Solidaritet, NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark.

Registration – registration fee: 100 kr. paid to bank account 5301-0000268457 with mark k20, registration open now


9:30 Registration and coffee/tea

10:00: Welcome

10:15-11:00 Theo Mares, Brazil. Public Attorney, Master in Social-Environmental Law and Professor at Industry College, Paraná.
Combating for the preservation of the Amazonas. On the extreme deregulation of environmental and climate regulations and their effects.

Due to its rich biodiversity and host of 60% of the Amazon Forest, Brazil is one of the most important countries in the climate emergency combat. However, the president Jair Bolsonaro, elected in 2018, has been systematically dismantling Brazil’s environmental policy, encouraging deforestation and weakening environmental agencies.  The presentation will focus at the rearrangement of the environmental agenda in Brazil and try to estimate its effects.

11:00-11:45 Tom Kucharz, Ecologistas en Acción, Spain (former Policy advisor, Podemos, the European Parliament),
The perspectives for climate change and how to reduce it. Green growth. Green New Deal or New Green Deal. Will these policies pave the way for the necessary economic and ecological transformation of our societies to oppose climate warming?

11:45-12.00 Break

12:00-13:00 Questions and debate.

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:00: Parallel seminars on 1) Green Capitalism or system change – a critical scrutiny of Danish and EU climate policy contributions; 2) The need for systemic alternatives and how to build them?

Seminar 1: Green Capitalism or system change – a critical scrutiny of Danish and EU climate policy contributions and plans

Mai Villadsen, MP, Enhedslisten/Red-Green Alliance, Denmark
An evaluation of the climate policies and climate law of the new Danish minority Social Democratic government as part of its “understanding” with the supporting parties. Is it possible – is it sufficient – to reach a 70% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030?

Helmut Scholz, MEP, Die Linke, Germany
The EU is confronted with the demands of the climate movement: Is the EU responding – increasing its targets and sharpening its climate policies

Pablo Livigni, Espaces Marx member, transform network, France
A Generation for Climate: thoughts on climate mobilisations

Presenting a study of the socio-economic profile of the participants of climate strikes in France. The presentation seeks to discuss the different means of mobilisations and modalities of actions in order to offer a deeper political understanding of such a movement.

Seminar 2: The need for systemic alternatives and how to build them?

Lotta Hedström, Miljöpartiet/Green Party, Sweden
Women and the climate crisis. Developing eco-feminism as a road to system change

Jean-Claude Simon, transform!europe, La France Insoumise, France
Eco-socialism and Energy transition? The ecological crisis on the background of the systemic obstacles of Capitalism. Energy transition as a societal change project.


16:00-16:15: Coffee break

16:15 – 17:00: Workshop/group discussion

17:00-18:00: Panel conclusion and short round-up

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