European Left Village at Volksstimmefest


Jesuitenwiese, Prater

transform! europe participates at the biggest left festival in Austria, the Volksstimmefest. Reaching back until 1946, this annual festival hosts a variety of left political groups, discussions, lectures as well as sports and cultural events, including music on three stages and stands with international food and drinks.


Come to the European Left Village at the Volksstimmefest in Vienna to meet us, the transform! europe staff, our members and international guests.


We are looking forward to your visit!


For more information see: (German);



European Left Village

Giorgos Chondros will present the Greek olive oil production cooperative Messinis Gaia.

time: tba


»Meet the communists from Czechia!«

Dagmar Švendová (Břeclav) and Jaroslav Růžička (Litoměřice), city councilors of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) and Jiři Hudeczek (Prague) from the Party of Democratic Socialism (SDS).

Saturday, 15:00

Language: English


Music by singer-songwriter Tobias Thiele

organised by DIE LINKE

Saturday 16:00 and 20.00 Uhr

Sunday 14:00 and 18.00 Uhr


»¡Hablemos! – Parlem! – Let’s talk about Catalonia!«

Organised by Unid@s Podemos Austria

Saturday, 17:00

Language: Spanish with whispertranslation


»Europe elected – what now?«

Talk with Martina Michels, MEP of GUE/NGL in the European Parliament

Sunday, 12:00

Language: German


»Safe passage – refugees welcome«

Talk with Olga Athaniti, member of the migration working group of the Party of the European Left

Sunday, 15:00

Language: English

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