Evaluating EU’s Green Deal and Recovery Plan – why do they not meet the climate goals? Is the Green New Deal an alternative?

Webinar and face-to-face meeting

Physical meeting will take place in Studiestræde 24, 1st floor, Copenhagen

transform! Danmark, a member organisation of transform! europe, together with the European Affairs Committee of Enhedslisten/Red-Green Alliance examines this urgent issue from the perspective of a Member of European Parliament, a Danish MP and a representative of the NGO Ecologistas en Acción.


Crucial climate negotiations determining our lives, will take place this autumn both at EU level as well as in a Danish context. Neither the EU nor Danish climate policies meet the demands of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stop climate warming in accordance with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Temperature rising could reach 1.5 C degrees before 2025 according to climate predictions published recently by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and the risk is increasing. 1.5 C degrees is the climate warming maximum before 2100 set by the Paris Agreement – or at most 2 C degrees. The end result this century could far exceed these maximum goals, if there is no determined and radical climate action. Why is the EU’s Green Deal insufficient and likewise the climate policies included in the EU Commission’s recovery plan ? Is the Green New Deal an alternative?


Wednesday, 16 September
19:00 (CET)

Introductions by:

  • Cornelia Ernst, MEP – Die Linke
  • Mai Villadsen, MP – Enhedslisten/Red-Green Alliance
  • Tom Kuchartz, Ecologistas en Acción, Spain

Participate online

via Zoom

Meeting ID: 918 9698 3795
Passcode: 676828

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