Extractivism, Human Rights and ISDS: Hard Law vs. Soft Law


This webinar will showcase the provisions in free trade and investment agreements that have given rise to an increase in the use of Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) through which corporations enforce investment protections on governments, especially in the Global South. We will focus on suits brought by extractive industries over investments that communities are resisting in defense of their territories, environment and human rights.

To achieve a renewal of the multilateral system we must overcome the existing and unjust neoliberal model. We will discuss how the neoliberal order has strengthened Hard Law to benefit corporate interests, while pushing the belief that international human rights remain in the realms of Soft Law.


Carla García Zendejas, Center for International Environmental Law
Jen Moore, IPS, Associate Fellow
Vidalina Morales, Asociación para el Desarrollo de El Salvador y Mesa Nacional frente a la Minería Metálica
Aldo Orellana, Terra Justa – Bolivia

John Cavanagh, IPS, Director


This webinar series is organized by transform! europe together with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels and New York Offices, in collaboration with the Institute for Policy Studies, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policyand the Transnational Institute (TNI).

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