Feminist Festival in Portugal

2015 is the year of the 4th International Action of the World March of Women. The Feminist Caravan departed from Turkey (Kurdistan) on 8 March, and is traveling north, south, east and west of Europe, gathering in Porto on 12 and 13 October.


“We see it as an opportunity to mobilize the feminist debate that we believe it’s necessary and urgent in Porto and in Portugal. So we’ll be hosting the Feminist Caravan and making this October a feminist month in Porto.

We invite individuals, collectives, organizations, artists, art projects, social intervention projects and others interested on the feminist struggle to join us in this Feminist Festival 2015.

The Feminist Festival is open to a diversity of initiatives such as art exhibitions, photography, installation, street art, theater, theater of the oppressed, cinema, video art, dance, talks and gatherings, book presentations, workshops, performances, concerts, among others.

As the Feminist Caravan is working on the ‘Body and Territory’ topic, we suggest as possible themes for your proposals women health rights and body ownership, poverty, police and institutional violence, occupation of the public space, sexual harassment, gendered violence, food sovereignty, black feminisms, Roma women rights, housing and the right to the city, paid and unpaid work, lesbophobia, adoption by homosexual couples, racism, migration, women’s art and history, among others that you might want to propose.

Until 31 August the organization of the Feminist Festival 2015 will be gathering the proposals for the Festival.

We invite all people/ collectives/ organizations interested on the project to submit a proposal through the form for the Feminist Festival.

Also, if you have a space where you can host any of the Festival initiatives, please contact us via email: festfeminista.porto@gmail.com.


Deadline for registration: 15 September. The price of the registration will be defined soon. Register here.

Deadline to propose workshops: 10 September!

To propose a workshop you just need to send an email with the title of the workshop to tommmulherespt@gmail.com.”


12 and 13 October







14 October


Presentation of the Feminist Caravan and activities to be defined

Dinner and Party


15 to 17 October


15 October

Morning: Caravan’s reception (presentation about the journey, exhibition, presentation of participants); march

Afternoon with activities (‘learning & doing’ – theatre of the oppressed, feminist mural,…)


16 October

Day for internal debate and self proposed workshops


17 October

General assembly: ‘Women & war’ and ‘Feminist alternatives & resistances in Europe’

Street action

Final concert

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