For a Democratic European Energy Model

Workshop of transform! Akademia Working Group on Energy

transform! Brussels Office
Rue Stevin 115
B-1000 Brussels

In 2015 climate issues seem to be at the top of the political agenda, as is shown by the United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Paris towards the end of the year. Most of the head of states and governments will attend what is already being described as the hugest international summit in history. There will be no skimping on the costs – neither on the media coverage. But, in terms of anticipated outcomes, there is no reason to celebrate. Given the political proposals that are already on the negotiation table, there is very little chance that the UN conference’s scope competes equally with its size. The European Commission has also made climate and energy issues a priority for 2015 with its Energy union strategy.

The time is ripe for the European Left to further elaborate on its own proposals and priorities to tackle the emergency of climate change and the much-needed energy transition. Transform! wishes to contribute to this ongoing debate, and has therefore set up a working group composed of academics and activists from across Europe. This workshop will be its first step in this direction and aims at launching a permanent working process.

This two-day workshop will allow for thorough collective discussions along the following four core topics:

  • The emergency of climate change
  • Proposals for an alternative energy transition
  • Democracy and social justice
  • Geopolitical aspects of Energy in Europe and its neighborhood

Contact: Maxime Benatouil,


Saturday, 18 April


1pm: Arrival

1pm – 1:30pm: Welcoming Remarks and Introduction
Maxime Benatouil (transform! europe)
Marc Delepouve (Akademia Working Group on Energy)

1:30pm – 2pm: The EC Energy Union strategy and its critique by the Left
MEP Neoklis Sylikiotis (GUE/NGL)

2pm – 2:30pm: Report on the Anti-Fracking Conference in Barcelona
Llorenç Planagumà (Center for Territorial Sustainability, Catalonia)

2:30pm – 4pm: The Emergency of Climate Change
Scientific Knowledge, IPCC Scenarios and Representations of Climate Change:
Marc Delepouve (Akademia WG Energy)

4pm – 4:30pm: Coffee break

4:30pm – 6:30pm: Proposals for an Alternative Energy Transition

  1. Crucial aspects and principles of the alternative energy transition:
    Anne-Frédérique Paul (University of Lille)
  2. Overview of transition deployment, with a focus on global, European and national issues:
    Jean-Claude Simon (Economic and social historian, France-Denmark)
  3. Presentation of a development project for solar water heating in Greece:
    Josef Baum (Independent researcher, Austria)


Sunday, 19 April


9:30am – 11:30am: Democracy and Social Justice

Facilitated by Irina Castro (Activist, Researcher on Science and Technology Studies) and José Maria Diaz Nafria (University of Leon). With the participation of Miguel Heleno (Activist, researcher on Sustainable Energy System) and a representative of the Mondragon Cooperative

11:30am – 12:00am: Coffee Break

12:00am – 1:30pm: Geopolitical Aspects of Energy in Europe and its Neighbourhood

  1. Energy Issues and the Balance of Power between the EU and its Neighbours:
    Dimitri Zurstrassen (Economist, VEGA)
  2. New Geopolitical Developments, European Energy Policy and Socio-ecological transformation:
    Josef Baum (Independent researcher, Austria)

1:30pm – 2:30pm: Lunch Break

2:30pm – 4pm: Next Working Steps

Collective discussion on the future of the working group, the possible outcomes of the workshop (e-book, transform! Yearbook 2016, etc.), as well as the participation of the working group in international events (Forum of Alternatives, EL-transform! Summer University, mobilisations at the margins of the COP 21)

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