How Are the Modes of Politicisation Structured?


The collective “L’Exigence démocratique” invites you to a webinar with Giuseppe Cugnata on Wednesday 22nd March. The aim of this event is to examine how politicisation of the Left is structured by certain social characteristics.


The radical Left in Europe has been debating for years why its influence is diminishing. In particular, the debate has focused on the current configuration of its electoral base and on the sectors it could potentially attract.

Following the reflections that emerged from the strategy seminar “Who Votes for the Left and Why? In Search of Our Identity” organised by transform! europe and “Rosa- Luxemburg-Stiftung” in November 2022, this intervention aims to examine how politicisation on the Left is structured by certain social characteristics. In particular, reference will be made to professional status (socio-professional categories, contractual precariousness, unionisation), and socio-demographic status (gender, age, migratory background). The aim of this presentation is to summarise the results of the strategy seminar in order to understand how Left-wing politicisation finds more or less stable support in certain social sectors that can be specifically identified on the basis of certain social characteristics.

Interpretation: French

Wednesday, 22 March 2023
20:30 (CET)

Click here, to participate via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 854 6743 7209
Passcode: 804548

Giuseppe Cugnata is a doctoral student in sociology and and political science at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. His doctoral thesis focuses on climate mobilisations in France and Italy. Member of the association “Espaces Marx” (transform! europe´s member organisation), he has conducted various surveys on the electoral reconfiguration in Europe.

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