International Conference: Public Debt and Austerity Policies in Europe

The Response of The European Left


The conference, organized by the European Left, transform! europe, Synaspismos and Nicos Poulantzas Institute will be transmitted online in Greek and English, according to choice, at the following websites:


Days and time:
Thursday, 10 March, 18.15-21.00 cet
Friday, 11 March, 9.00-21.00 cet
Saturday, 12 March, 9.00-21.00 cet


Thursday, 10 March 2011

Opening of the Conference

  • Coordinator: Rena Dourou, Member of the Political Secretariat of Synaspismos
  • Responsible For European Policy, the Party of the European Left (EL) and International Relations
  • Dimitris Vitsas, Secretary of the Central Political Committee of Synaspismos
  • Nikos Petralias, Economist, Professor Emeritus at the University of Athens, President of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute

Public Event

  • Yiannis Dragasakis, Economist, Former MP of SYRIZA- Greece
  • Francois Delapierre, General Secretary of Parti de Gauche- France
  • Pedro Paez, Economist, Banco del Sur, Former Minister of Finance of Ecuador
  • Jose Luis Centella, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Spain
  • Michael Schlecht, MP, Chief Economist of the Parliamentary Group of DIE LINKE in the Bundestag – Germany


Friday 11 March 2011
Consequences of the Crisis in Europe

  • Coordinator: Panos Trigazis, Member of the CPC of Synaspismos – Greece
  • Riccardo Bellofiore, Economist, Professor at the University of Bergamo – Italy
  • Maria Karamessini, Economist, Associate Professor at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences – Greece
  • Michel Vakaloulis, Sociologist, Professor at University Paris VIII- France
  • Giovanna Vertova, Economist, Assistant Professor at the University of Bergamo – Italy

Causes of the Debt Crisis in the Eurozone

  • Coordinator: Spyros Lapatsioras, Economist, Lecturer at the University of Crete – Greece
  • George Stathakis, Economist, Professor at the University of Crete – Greece
  • Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Economist, Lecturer at the University of the Aegean – Greece
  • Euclid Tsakalotos, Economist, Professor at the University of Athens – Greece
  • Brigitte Unger, Economist, Professor at Utrecht University School of Economics (USE) – Netherlands

Lunch Break

The EU Policies for Debt Crisis Management

  • Coordinator: Elena Papadopoulou, Economist, Researcher at the NPI – Greece
  • Marica Frangakis, Economist, EuroMemo Group – Greece
  • Vagelis Papahristos, Independent MP – Greece
  • Theodore Paraskevopoulos, Economist, co-Director of the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA- Greece
  • Jan Toporowski, Reader in Economics at the University London (SOAS) -UK

Facets of the Crisis in Greece (I)

  • Coordinator: Sissy Velissariou, Professor at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Vice President of NPI
  • Yiannis Banias, Member of the Secretariat of AKOA, Former MP of SYRIZA
  • Panagiotis Lafazanis, MP of SYRIZA
  • George Maniatis, Professor of Mass Media, University of Athens
  • Alexis Mitropoulos, Jurist, President Union for the Defense of Employment and the Welfare State

19.00 – 19.30
Coffee break

Facets of the Crisis in Greece (II)

  • Coordinator: Olga Athaniti, Member of the Secretariat of AKOA
  • Nikos Kotzias, Political Scientist, Professor at the University of Piraeus
  • John Milios, Professor at the National Technical University of Athens, Member of the Political Secretariat of Synaspismos (Responsible for Economic Policy)
  • Dimitris Papadimoulis, MP of SYRIZA, Former MEP of Synaspismos and GUE-NGL
  • Sofia Sakorafa, Independent MP
  • Yiannis Tolios, Economist (PhD), Member of the CPC of Synaspismos



Saturday 12 March 2011

10.00-12.30Resistances by the European Trade-Unions and Movements

  • Coordinator: Yiannis Bournous, Member of the CPC of Synaspismos, Member of the EL Executive Board – Greece
  • Nasos Iliopoulos, Secretary of the Central Council of the Youth of Synaspismos – Greece
  • Alekos Kalivis, Trade-Unionist, Former Alternate President of GSEE – Greece
  • Dominique Gianotti, Trade-Unionist, FSU- France
  • Alexandra Strickner, Economist, ATTAC- Austria
  • Terry Celleher, Representative of the Socialist Party of Ireland

Debt Crisis and Austerity Policies in the European Countries

  • Coordinator: Natasa Theodorakopoulou, Economist, Member of the Executive Secretariat of the CPC of Synaspismos, Member of the Secretariat of the EL Executive Board
  • Tamás Morva, Economist, Member of the Secretariat of the Hungarian Workers Party 2006
  • Marianna Mortagua, Economist, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal
  • Javier Navasques, Professor at the University of Sevilla, Secretary of the Committee of Financial Affairs of the Communist Party of Spain

Representative of Sinn Fein, Ireland (tbc)

14.30 – 15.30
Lunch Break

For a Progressive Exit from the Crisis (I)

  • Coordinator: Gabriel Sakellaridis, Economist, Economist, Member of the CPC of Synaspismos, Member of the Managing Board of NPI – Greece
  • Elisabeth Gauthier, director of Espaces Marx, Member of the Managing Board of Transform! Europe network – France
  • Nicos Houndis, MEP of SYRIZA and GUE/NGL – Greece
  • Eric Toussaint, President of the Committee for the Annulment of the Debt of the Countries of the Third World (CADTM) – Belgium
  • Michalis Tremopoulos, MEP of the Ecologists-Greens, European Greens – Greece

For a Progressive Exit from the Crisis (II)

  • Coordinator: Ruurik Holm, Transform! Legal Representative – Finland
  • Elmar Altvater, Political Scientist – Director of Left Forum, Member of ATTAC Germany
  • Kunibert Raffer, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Vienna – Austria
  • Yianis Varoufakis, Economist, Professor at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens – Greece
  • Kostas Vergopoulos, Economist, Professor at the University Paris VIII – Greece

Public Event

  • Coordinator: Haris Golemis, Director of the NPI, Member of the Board of Transform! Europe- Greece

EL Initiative for a European Development and Solidarity Fund

  • Francis Wurtz, Former President of GUE/NGL- France

20.15 – 22.00
Exit Strategies from the Crisis. The Proposals of the European Left

  • Pierre Laurent, National Secretary of the French Communist Party, President of the EL – France
  • Oskar Lafontaine, Former Minister of Finance, Former co-President of DIE LINKE – Germany
  • Alexis Tsipras, President of Synaspismos, Vice President of the EL – Greece


Organizing Committee:

Walter Baier, Yiannis Bournous, Mimis Dareiotis, Rena Dourou, Elisabeth Gauthier, Haris Golemis, Ruurik Holm, Konstantina Kintoni, Elena Papadopoulou, Gabriel Sakellaridis


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