Labour Market Reforms and the Rise of Precariousness

Workshop of transform! Akademia network

While the crisis management has pushed forward measures damaging collective bargaining and so-called labour market reforms, precariousness has been skyrocketing ever since.


Women, migrant workers, the youth, the elderly, all these sections of European societies are particularly under attack by the systematic dismantling of welfare systems made possible by the ideological shift of the 1980s – and whose pace has dramatically increased since the outbreak of the European crisis.

On the initiative of Adoración Guamán (University of Valencia, Director of Europe of Citizens Foundation – FEC) and Francine Mestrum (Global Social Justice), a new transform! / Akademia working group was set up to look into the rise of precariousness in European countries and contribute to the debate on the alternatives.

The workshop will gather researchers and unionists from all corners of Europe.

Contact and further information:
Maxime Benatouil,

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