Left Industrial Policy in Europe

Workshop of RLS Brussels and transform!

Picture: Philip Edmondson / Flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0

MAI, Maison des Associations Internationales
Rue Washington, 40
1050 Ixelles (Bruxelles)

The multiple crises put the European left parties and social movements under pressure to find answers to often contradicting challenges. One of these many challenges lies at the heart of this project.


The multiple crises put the European left parties and social movements under pressure to find answers to often contradicting challenges. One of these many challenges lies at the heart of this project.

On the one hand we are in the midst of an environmental world crisis, which originates largely in the capitalist metropolis of the North. On the other hand millions of Europeans are unemployed and the economic crisis after the Lehman Brothers crash has proven wrong those voices who thought that the service sector will provide stable and good job opportunities. Industrialization is back on the agenda. A left industrial policy which leads to a progressive reconstruction of the continent’s economies is thus the topic we are working on.

We will discuss studies which analyze the national industrial policies of different European countries. Based on these studies we will then discuss the transform! paper “Towards Europe’s Productive Transformation” and the Appeal “Renewing Europe” of Axel Troost. And deepen what notion of a pan-European economic and fiscal coordination, what revision of the EU structural and cohesion policy to overcome stagnation, as well as economic, social and regional imbalances are needed. What shape a European New Deal of the 21st century should take? We will finish our spring 2015 meeting by critically reviewing our state of discussion as well as discuss concrete next steps to be taken together.

This workshop is part of a series of workshops in a long term project the RLS Brussels is organizing. We cooperate in this project with the office of the Member of the German Parliament Axel Troost and transform! europe.

For obligatory registration please do send an email to Roland Kulke (RLS Brussels): roland.kulke (at) rosalux.org


Monday, 27 April


Until 13:00: Arrival and registration

13:00-13:45: Lunch

Part 1: Discussion about the studies

13:45: Martin Schirdewan (future director of RLS Brussels): Welcome and introduction

14:00-14:20: Roland Kulke (RLS Brussels): Synthesis of the studies and first thoughts about a common left industrial policy in Europe

14:20-14:40: David Meienreis (Assistant to MdB Axel Troost): Synthesis of the studies in the light of the Appeal “Renewing Europe”

14:40-14:50: Comprehension questions

14:50-15:30: Session 1: Positive and negative examples of (left) industrial policies in Europe, discussion with the participation of the country studies’ editors

15:30-15:45: Coffee break

15:45-16:45: Session 2: EU framework and its influence on Industrial Policy of the countries

16:45-17:00: Coffee break

17:00-18:00: Session 3: Embedding of the countries in the regional economies in Europe, where does international value chains help autocentric development, where not?

18:00-19:00: Joachim Bischoff: Discussion and summary of the day – what have we learned so far?

19:30: Dinner


Tuesday, 28 April


Part 2: transform! discussion paper “Towards Europe’s Productive Transformation” and Appeal “Renewing Europe

09:30-11:30: Presentation of paper and appeal in the light of the discussion of the workshop so far.

Intervention by Carmen Hilario: “Juncker plan, discourse and realities”

Discussion: What notion of a pan-European economic and fiscal coordination, what revision of the EU structural and cohesion policy to overcome stagnation, as well as economic, social and regional imbalances? What shape a European New Deal of the 21st century should take?

11:30-11:45: Break

Part 3: What have we learned so far, and what should be our next steps?

11:45-13:30: Axel Troost and representatives of RLS and transform!: What have we learned so far? Next steps and what do we want to achieve with this project?

13:30: Farewell and departure

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